CAT25512: 512-Kb SPI Serial CMOS EEPROM

The CAT25512 is a 512-kb Serial CMOS EEPROM device internally organized as 64kx8 bits. This features a 128-byte page write buffer and supports the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol. The device is enabled through a Chip Select (CS) input. In addition, the required bus signals are clock input (SCK), data input (SI) and data output (SO) lines. The HOLD input may be used to pause any serial communication with the CAT25512 device. The device features software and hardware write protection, including partial as well as full array protection.On-Chip ECC (Error Correction Code) makes the device suitable for high reliability applications.

  • 1.8 V to 5.5 V Supply Voltage Range
  • SPI Modes (0,0) & (1,1)
  • PDIP, SOIC, TSSOP 8-lead and UDFN 8-pad Packages
  • 20 MHz SPI Compatible
  • 128-byte Page Write Buffer
  • Additional Identification Page with Permanent Write Protection
  • Self-timed Write Cycle
  • Hardware and Software Protection
  • Block Write Protection - Protect 1/4, 1/2 or Entire EEPROM Array
  • Low Power CMOS Technology
  • 1,000,000 Program/Erase Cycles
  • 100 Year Data Retention
  • Industrial and Extended Temperature Range
  • This Device is Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free, and RoHS Compliant
  • Single power supply from 1.8V to 5.5V: allows multiple applications / various VCC values using the same device.
  • SPI interface protocol / industry standard; 20MHz clock enables faster operation; High Reliability
  • Space-eficient packaging
Software (2)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
EASYPRO1GEVB Software OS x64 (Version 3.2.8)EASYPRO1GEVB_SOFTWARE.X64.ZIP (7134.0kB)3.2.8
EASYPRO1GEVB Software OS x86 (Version 3.2.8)EASYPRO1GEVB_SOFTWARE.X86.ZIP (7030.0kB)3.2.8
Package Drawings (5)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevision
PDIP-8, 300 mils646AA (55.8kB)A
SOIC 8, 150 mils751BD (55.6kB)revo
SOIC-8, 208 mils751BE (55.9kB)revo
TSSOP8, 4.4x3948AL (55.7kB)revo
UDFN8, 3x2, 0.5P517BU (56.6kB)O
Simulation Models (9)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
IBIS Model for CAT25512LE rev. A (Vcc = 2.2 V)25512_p22_rev_a.ibs (39kB)0Jun, 2014
IBIS Model for CAT25512LE rev. A (Vcc = 3.3 V)25512_p33_rev_a.ibs (47kB)0Jun, 2014
IBIS Model for CAT25512LE rev. A (Vcc = 5.0 V)25512_p50_rev_a.ibs (46kB)0Jun, 2014
IBIS Model for CAT25512VE rev. A (Vcc = 2.2 V)25512_s22_rev_a.ibs (39kB)0Jun, 2014
IBIS Model for CAT25512VE rev. A (Vcc = 3.3 V)25512_s33_rev_a.ibs (46kB)0Jun, 2014
IBIS Model for CAT25512VE rev. A (Vcc = 5.0 V)25512_s50_rev_a.ibs (46kB)0Jun, 2014
IBIS Model for CAT25512YE rev. A (Vcc = 2.2 V)25512_ts22_rev_a.ibs (39kB)0Jun, 2014
IBIS Model for CAT25512YE rev. A (Vcc = 3.3 V)25512_ts33_rev_a.ibs (47kB)0Jun, 2014
IBIS Model for CAT25512YE rev. A (Vcc = 5.0 V)25512_ts50_rev_a.ibs (46kB)0Jun, 2014
Evaluation Board Documents (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
EASYPRO1GEVB Evaluation Board User's ManualEVBUM2027/D (1061.0kB)3
Data Sheets (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
512-kb SPI Serial CMOS EEPROMCAT25512/D (144kB)9Mar, 2016
Evaluation/Development Tool Information
ProductStatusComplianceShort Description
EASYPRO1GEVBActiveSerial EEPROM Evaluation Board
Order Information
ProductStatusCompliancePackageMSL*ContainerBudgetary Price/Unit
CAT25512HU5E-GT3ActivePb-free Halide freeUDFN-8517BU1Tape and Reel3000$1.4752
CAT25512HU5I-GT3ActivePb-free Halide freeUDFN-8517BU1Tape and Reel3000$1.1066
CAT25512LI-GActive, Not RecPb-free Halide freePDIP-8646AANATube50$1.0933
CAT25512VE-GT3ActivePb-free Halide freeSOIC-8751BD1Tape and Reel3000$1.4218
CAT25512VI-GT3ActivePb-free Halide freeSOIC-8751BD1Tape and Reel3000$1.0666
CAT25512XE-T2ActivePb-free Halide freeSOIC-8751BE3Tape and Reel2000$1.4752
CAT25512XI-T2ActivePb-free Halide freeSOIC-8751BE3Tape and Reel2000$1.1066
CAT25512YE-GT3ActivePb-free Halide freeTSSOP-8948AL1Tape and Reel3000$1.4218
CAT25512YI-GT3ActivePb-free Halide freeTSSOP-8948AL1Tape and Reel3000$1.0666
ProductTypeDensityOrganizationData Transmission Standardfcycle Max (kHz)tACC Max nsVCC Min (V)VCC Max (V)Istandby Max (µA)Iact Max (mA)T Min (°C)T Max (°C)
CAT25512HU5E-GT3Serial512 kb64k x 8SPI10000402.55.533-40125
CAT25512HU5I-GT3Serial512 kb64k x 8SPI20000401.85.513-4085
CAT25512VE-GT3Serial512 kb64k x 8SPI10000402.55.533-40125
CAT25512VI-GT3Serial512 kb64k x 8SPI20000401.85.513-4085
CAT25512XE-T2Serial512 kb64k x 8SPI10000402.55.533-40125
CAT25512XI-T2Serial512 kb64k x 8SPI20000401.85.513-4085
CAT25512YE-GT3Serial512 kb64k x 8SPI10000402.55.533-40125
CAT25512YI-GT3Serial512 kb64k x 8SPI20000401.85.513-4085
512-kb SPI Serial CMOS EEPROM (144kB) CAT25512
IBIS Model for CAT25512LE rev. A (Vcc = 2.2 V) CAT25512
IBIS Model for CAT25512LE rev. A (Vcc = 3.3 V) CAT25512
IBIS Model for CAT25512LE rev. A (Vcc = 5.0 V) CAT25512
IBIS Model for CAT25512VE rev. A (Vcc = 2.2 V) CAT25512
IBIS Model for CAT25512VE rev. A (Vcc = 3.3 V) CAT25512
IBIS Model for CAT25512VE rev. A (Vcc = 5.0 V) CAT25512
IBIS Model for CAT25512YE rev. A (Vcc = 2.2 V) CAT25512
IBIS Model for CAT25512YE rev. A (Vcc = 3.3 V) CAT25512
IBIS Model for CAT25512YE rev. A (Vcc = 5.0 V) CAT25512
UDFN8, 3x2, 0.5P CAV25512H
PDIP-8, 300 mils CAT93C86B
SOIC 8, 150 mils CAV93C86
SOIC-8, 208 mils CAT93C86B
TSSOP8, 4.4x3 PCA9306