CAT4238AGEVB: High Voltage CMOS Constant-Current DC-DC Converter Evaluation Board

The CAT4238 is a high voltage CMOS constant-current DC/DC converter that has been designed to drive with high efficiency white or other high brightness LEDs. The high-voltage output stage allows driving up to 10 white LEDs in series. A single external resistor sets the LED current between 5mA and 40 mA. LED current can be adjusted using either a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal or a DC voltage.

Evaluation/Development Tool Information
ProductStatusComplianceShort DescriptionParts Used
CAT4238AGEVBActivePb-freeHigh Voltage CMOS Constant-Current DC-DC Converter Evaluation BoardCAT4238TD-GT3
Technical Documents
TypeDocument TitleDocument ID/SizeRev
Eval Board: ManualCAT4238 10-LED Boost Converter Evaluation Board User's ManualEVBUM2019/D - 210.0 KB3
Eval Board: BOMCAT4238AGEVB Bill of Materials ROHS CompliantCAT4238AGEVB_BOM_ROHS - 83 KB0
Eval Board: GerberCAT4238AGEVB Gerber Layout Files (Zip Format)CAT4238AGEVB_GERBER - 38 KB0
Eval Board: SchematicCAT4238AGEVB SchematicCAT4238AGEVB_SCHEMATIC - 168 KB0
Eval Board: Test ProcedureCAT4238AGEVB Test ProcedureCAT4238AGEVB_TEST_PROCEDURE - 54 KB0
EVBUM2019/D - 210 CAT4238AGEVB