LM2902S: Operational Amplifier, Single supply, Quad

The LM324 series are low-cost, quad op-amps with true differential inputs. They have several distinct advantages over standard operational amplifier types in single supply applications. The quad amplifier can operate at supply voltages as low as 3.0 V or as high as 32 V with quiescent currents about one-fifth of those associated with the MC1741 (on a per amplifier basis). The common mode input range includes the negative supply, thereby eliminating the necessity for external biasing components in many applications. The output voltage range also includes the negative power supply voltage.

  • Short Circuited Protected Outputs
  • True Differential Input Stage
  • Internally Compensated
  • Common Mode Range Extends to Negative Supply
Data Sheets (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
Single Supply Quad Operational AmplifiersLM324S/D (91kB)0Oct, 2014
Package Drawings (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevision
PDIP-14646-06 (35.5kB)S
Order Information
ProductStatusCompliancePackageMSL*ContainerBudgetary Price/Unit
LM2902SNGActivePb-free Halide freePDIP-14646-06NATube25$0.18
ProductRail to RailChannelsVCC Min (V)VCC Max (V)IO Min (mA)IO Typ (mA)ID Typ (mA)GBW Typ (MHz)SR Typ (V/µs)VIO Max (mV)
Single Supply Quad Operational Amplifiers (91kB) LM324S
PDIP-14 NE592