NTSV30100CTG: Schottky Power Rectifier, Dual, 30 A, 100 V

The NTSV30100CTG is our new Dual 30A 100V Very Low Forward Voltage Trench-based Dual Schottky Rectifier. This new technology allows lower forward voltage drop without the high reverse leakage tradeoff experienced with planar schottky rectifiers. This platform also provides very stable switching characteristics over a wide temperature range and is an ideal output rectifer for switching power supplies including Notebook and Netbook Adapters, ATX and Flat Panel.

  • Fine Lithography Trench-based Schottky Technology for Very LowForward Voltage and Low Leakage
  • Fast Switching with Exceptional Temperature Stability
  • Low Power Loss and Lower Operating Temperature
  • Higher Efficiency for Achieving Regulatory Compliance
  • Low Thermal Resistance
  • High Surge Capability
  • Pb-Free and Halide-Free Packages are Available
  • Switching Power Supplies including Notebook / Netbook Adapters,ATX and Flat Panel Display Freewheeling and OR-ing diodes Reverse Battery Protection Instrumentation High Frequency and DC-DC Converters
仿真模型 (4)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
NTSV30100CTG PSpice ModelNTSV30100CTG.LIB (0.0kB)0
NTSV30100CTG Saber ModelNTSV30100CTG.SIN (0.0kB)0
NTSV30100CTG Spice2 ModelNTSV30100CTG.SP2 (0.0kB)0
NTSV30100CTG Spice3 ModelNTSV30100CTG.SP3 (0.0kB)0
封装图纸 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevision
TO-220 3 LEAD STANDARD221A-09 (30.9kB)AH
数据表 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
Very Low Forward Voltage Trench-Based Schottky RectifierNTSV30100CT/D (80kB)1Sep, 2014
产品状况Compliance具体说明封装MSL*容器预算价格 (1千个数量的单价)
NTSV30100CTGActivePb-free Halide freeSchottky Power Rectifier, Dual, 30 A, 100 VTO-220-3221A-09NATube50$0.3657
ProductConfigurationVRRM Min (V)VF Max (V)IRM Max (uA)IO(rec) Max (A)IFSM Max (A)trr Max (ns)Cj Max (pF)
NTSV30100CTGCommon Cathode1001.0550030100
Very Low Forward Voltage Trench-Based Schottky Rectifier (80kB) NTSV30100CTG
NTSV30100CTG PSpice Model NTSV30100CTG
NTSV30100CTG Saber Model NTSV30100CTG
NTSV30100CTG Spice2 Model NTSV30100CTG
NTSV30100CTG Spice3 Model NTSV30100CTG