SOMNIUM DRT®Cortex®-M IDE is a complete software development environment supporting STM32 MCUs.

It allows to build and debug smaller, faster and more energy efficient software.

DRT's IDE is built on the industry standard Eclipse platform with many enhancements.

DRT simplifies Eclipse's “jumbo jet flightdeck” complexity and adds significant new features.

DRT is unique as it is fully GNU compatible with patented optimizations for optimal code generation.

It is around 20% smaller, about 15% faster and 30% lower energy than other free or commercial tools.

This product is supplied by a third party not affiliated to ST. For the latest information on the specification and the purchased parts package, refer to the third party's website

Key Features

  • Enhanced Eclipse™ IDE with advanced debug- live variable viewing and with trace and fault diagnosis
  • STM32Cube and SW4STM32 compatible: no source code changes needed
  • Significantly smaller, faster and more energy-efficient code generation
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