X-CUBE-RTC:Real Time Clock (RTC) software expansion for STM32Cube (AN4759)

The microcontrollers of the STM32L0 Series, STM32L1 Series, STM32L4 Series, STM32F0 Series, STM32F2 Series, STM32F3 Series, STM32F4 Series and STM32F7 Series feature a real-time clock (RTC) peripheral designed to allow the STM32 MCUs to operate with minimum power requirements.

The X-CUBE-RTC application aims to demonstrate how to fully exploit the RTC advantages, thus extending the battery life of the product.

For more details refer to the application note Using the hardware real-time clock (RTC) in low-power modes with STM32 microcontrollers (AN4759).

Key Features

  • Calendar that keeps time and date
  • Tamper detection by erasing backup registers
  • Timestamp for the tampering event
  • RTC usage in Stop mode
  • Smooth digital calibration
Product Specifications
DB2938: RTC (real-time clock) software expansion for STM32Cube2.0119 KB
Application Notes
AN4759: Using the hardware real-time clock (RTC) in low-power modes with STM32 microcontrollers2.01 MB
STM32 Open Development Environment Brochure15.104 MB
License Agreement
SLA0048: Mix Liberty + OSS + 3rd- party V1 - SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT2.18112 KB
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