X-CUBE-TIM-32RES:STM32Cube expansion software achieving 32-bit timer resolution by using the link system (AN2592)

The X-CUBE-TIM-32RES embedded software package is an expansion of the STM32Cube embedded software libraries.

This firmware provides application use cases for the general-purpose-timer peripherals embedded in the STM32 microcontrollers.

The timers in microcontrollers can be linked together internally for timer synchronization or chaining purposes.

The X-CUBE-TIM-32RES describes how to use the link system to achieve the 32-bit resolution with two 16-bit timers.

For more details refer to Achieving 32-bit timer resolution with software expansion for STM32Cube and Standard Peripheral Library application note (AN2592).

Key Features

  • 32-bit input capture mode example using link system
  • 32-bit input capture mode example using one timer only
  • Two 32-bit output capture mode examples using link system
    • Active mode
    • Toggle mode
  • Microcontrollers covered: STM32F1 Series and STM32L0 Series
Product Specifications
DB3074: Achieving 32-bit timer resolution with software expansion for STM32Cube1.052 KB
Application Notes
AN2592: Achieving 32-bit timer resolution with software expansion for STM32Cube and Standard Peripheral Library4.0367 KB
STM32 Open Development Environment Brochure15.104 MB
License Agreement
SLA0048: Mix Liberty + OSS + 3rd- party V1 - SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT2.18112 KB
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