TPS6213x 采用 3x3 QFN 封装的 3V 至 17V/3A 降压转换器 (Rev. E) TPS62133
了解 DCS-Control™ 拓扑中的频率变化 TPS82740A
实现降压型转换器出色 PCB 布局的五个步骤 TPS62691
高效、低纹波的分布式控制系统 (DCS)- 控制的降压转换器提供无缝的 PWM/PWR- 保存转换 TPS62230
DC/DC 转换器中电阻式反馈分压器设计考虑因素 TPS61070
模拟应用期刊 2012 2Q BQ24040
Testing tips for applying external power to supply outputs without an input volt TPS82690
Basic Calculation of a Buck Converter's Power Stage TPS82085
Optimizing the TPS62130/40/50/60 Output Filter TPS62173
Step-Down Converter With Input Overvoltage Protection TPS62173
Step-Down Converter with Cable Voltage Drop Compensation TPS62143
TPS62130A Differences to TPS62130 TPS62140
Using the TPS62150 in a Split Rail Topology TPS82130
Using the TPS6215x in an Inverting Buck-Boost Topology.. TPS82130
How to Measure the Control Loop of DCS-Control Devices TPS62230
Understanding the Absolute Maximum Ratings of the SW Node TPS61087
Powering the MSP430 from a High Voltage Input using the TPS62122 TPS62111
Voltage Margining Using the TPS62130 TPS62140
Feedforward Capacitor to Improve Stability and Bandwidth of TPS62130/40/50/60/70 TPS82130
Using the TPS62150 as Step-Down LED Driver With Dimming TPS82130
TPS62130/40/50 Sequencing and Tracking TPS82130
Choosing an Appropriate Pull-up/Pull-down Resistor for Open Drain Outputs TPS82085
QFN/SON PCB Attachment Application Report BQ24010
Performing Accurate PFM Mode Efficiency Measurements TPS82085
TPS62130EVM-505, TPS62140EVM-505, and TPS62150EVM-505 Evaluation Modules TPS62143
采用DCS-Control™拓扑的DC/DC转换器 (Rev. A) TPS62230
电源管理指南 2015 (Rev. P) BQ2005
低功耗 DC/DC 转换器概述指南》 TPS81256
智能电网解决方案 (Rev. K) BQ24650
Power Management Guide 2016 BQ2005
Low-Power DC/DC Converter Overview Guide TPS81256
Power Management for Altera FPGAs PTH04070W
Power Management for Altera Cyclone FPGAs LMZ10501
面向平板电脑及电子书的 TI 解决方案 BQ24610
Smart Grid Solutions Guide BQ24650
TI Tablet Solutions BQ24715
智能电网解决方案 (Rev. H) BQ24650
TPS62130 PSpice Transient Model TPS62130
TPS62130 PSpice Average Model TPS62130
TPS62130 TINA-TI Average Reference Design TPS62130
TPS62130 TINA-TI Transient Reference Design TPS62130
TINA-TI Transient Spice Model (Export from WEBENCH) LMZ34002
TPS62130 TINA-TI Average Spice Model TPS62130
TPS62130 TINA-TI Transient Spice Model TPS62130
Design Tool for Analog Dimming Using a PWM Signal TPS62140