TPS74401 具有可编程软启动功能的 3.0A Ultra-LDO (Rev. Q) TPS74401
LDO环路稳定性及其对射频频综相噪的影响 TPS74401
LDO噪音在详细研究 TPS74401
4Q2012 期模拟应用学报 TPS61170
使用离散 DC/DC 转换器和 LDO 的电源解决方案 (Rev. B) TPS62200
简化的 LDO PSRR 测量 TPS61122
具有 80% 效率和 Plost < 1W 的 3A、1.2Vout 线性稳压器 TPS74401
A Topical Index of TI LDO Application Notes TPS54120
Using Thermal Calculation Tools for Analog Components TPS732-Q1
Power Ref Design for TMS320C6472, 12-Vin Digital Pwr Cntrlrs, and LDOs TPS74401
Pwr Ref Design f/'C6472 12-Vin Digital Pwr Controllers and LDOs TPS74401
'C6472 12Vin Flexible Pwr Design Using DCDC Controllers and LDOs (8x C6472) TPS40131
Using New Thermal Metrics TPS74401
Ultimate Regulation with Fixed Output Version of TPS742xx/TPS743xx/TPS744xx TPS74401
LDO Noise Demystified TPS61122
TPS74x01EVM-118 User's Guide TPS74401
面向工业设计的负载点 (POL) 电源解决方案 (Rev. B) LMZ23605
Altera FPGA 的电源管理 (Rev. B) PTH04070W
用于 Xilinx 和 Altera FPGA 的电源管理解决方案 PTH08T210W
Low Dropout Regulators Quick Reference Guide TPS54120
Point-of-Load (POL) Power Solutions for Industrial Designs LMZ23605
Power Management for Xilinx FPGAs LMZ23605
内窥镜快速参考指南 LMZ10501
Motor Drive and Control Solutions LMZ34002
PMP5149 3 TPS62110
PMP5149 2 PTH08T210W
PMP5149 1 TPS62110
Virtex 5 Reference Design 5V input Bus Design TPS74401
5Vin Solution with 1.5-A Core Supply TPS74401
TPS74401 PSpice Transient Model TPS74401
TPS74401 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model TPS74401
TPS74401 TINA-TI DC Reference Design TPS74401
TPS74401 TINA-TI Transient Reference Design TPS74401
TPS74401 TINA-TI Transient Spice Model TPS74401