LTC3880 / LTC3880-1 - 具数字电源系统管理功能的双输出多相降压型 DC/DC 控制器

LTC®3880 / LTC3880-1 是一款双通道、多相 DC/DC 同步降压型开关稳压控制器,具有一个符合基于 I2C 的 PMBus 标准的串行接口。该控制器运用了一种恒定频率、电流模式架构,该器件得到了具有易用型图形用户界面 (GUI) 的 LTpowerPlayTM 软件开发系统的支持。 开关频率、输出电压和器件地址可采用外部配置电阻器来设置。此外,参数还可以通过数字接口来设定或存储于 EEPROM 中。电压、电流、内部 / 外部温度和故障状态则可通过总线接口来回读。 LTC3880 内置了一个 5V 线性稳压器,而 LTC3880-1 则采用了一个外部 5V 电源以尽可能地降低功率损失。看以下与 LTC3887 的比较。


  • 符合 PMBus / I2C 标准的串行接口    - 遥测回读包括 VIN、IIN、VOUT、IOUT、温度和故障    - 可编程电压、电流限值、数字软起动 / 停止、排序、裕度调节、      OV / UV 和频率同步 (250kHz 至 1MHz)
  • 在整个温度范围内实现 ±0.5% 的输出电压准确度
  • 集成 16 位 ADC
  • 内部 EEPROM 和故障记录
  • 集成强大的 N 沟道 MOSFET 栅极驱动器
  • 宽 VIN 范围:4.5V 至 24V
  • VOUT 范围:0.5V 至 5.4V (在 VOUT0 为 4V)
  • 模拟电流模式控制环路
  • 支持对预偏置负载进行上电操作
  • 可为多达 6 个相位提供准确的多相 (PolyPhase®) 均流
  • 采用 40 引脚 (6mm x 6mm) QFN 封装
LTC3880 Typical Application
LTC3880 Typical Application
  • 大电流分布式电源系统
  • 电信、数据通信和存储系统
  • 智能型高效率功率调节
LTC3880 Package Drawing
LTC3880 Package Drawing
LTC3880 Package Drawing
Order Information 订购型号
Part NumberPackageTempPrice(1-99)Price (1k)*RoHS器件型号封装温度价格 (以 1 ~ 99 片为批量)价格 (以 1000 片为批量) *
LTC3880EUJ-1#PBF6x6 QFN-40E$7.64$5.35
LTC3880EUJ-1#TRPBF6x6 QFN-40E$5.41
LTC3880EUJ#PBF6x6 QFN-40E$7.64$5.35
LTC3880EUJ#TRPBF6x6 QFN-40E$5.41
LTC3880IUJ-1#PBF6x6 QFN-40I$8.86$6.20
LTC3880IUJ-1#TRPBF6x6 QFN-40I$6.26
LTC3880IUJ#PBF6x6 QFN-40I$8.86$6.20
LTC3880IUJ#TRPBF6x6 QFN-40I$6.26
LTC3880EUJ-1#PBF6x6 QFN-40E$7.64$5.35
LTC3880EUJ-1#TRPBF6x6 QFN-40E$5.41
LTC3880EUJ#PBF6x6 QFN-40E$7.64$5.35
LTC3880EUJ#TRPBF6x6 QFN-40E$5.41
LTC3880IUJ-1#PBF6x6 QFN-40I$8.86$6.20
LTC3880IUJ-1#TRPBF6x6 QFN-40I$6.26
LTC3880IUJ#PBF6x6 QFN-40I$8.86$6.20
LTC3880IUJ#TRPBF6x6 QFN-40I$6.26
Part NumberDescriptionPrice
DC1590B-ALTC3880EUJ Demo Board (RSENSE) I Vin Range: 6.5V to 24V, VOUT0 = 0.5V to 4V @ 20A, VOUT1 = 0.5V to 5V @ 20A, PMBus Controlled, works w/ DC1613A$200.00
DC1590B-BLTC3880EUJ Demo Board (DCR) I Vin Range: 6.5V to 24V, VOUT0 = 0.5V to 4V @ 20A, VOUT1 = 0.5V to 5V @ 20A, PMBus Controlled, works w/ DC1613A$200.00
DC1709ALTC3880/-1 Demo Board I Programming Clamshell Socketed Demo Board$125.00
DC1740A-ALTC3880EUJ Demo Board | 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; VOUT0: 0.5V to 4.1V @ 80A, PMBus Controlled, works w/ DC1613$250.00
DC1740A-BLTC3880EUJ Demo Board | 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; VOUT0: 0.5V to 4.1V @ 20A, VOUT1: 0.5V to 4.1V @ 60A, PMBus Controlled, works w/ DC1613$250.00
DC1753A-ALTC3880EUJ Demo Board (RSENSE) | Dual Phase Single Output, PMBus Buck, 6.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 24V, Vout = 0.5V to 3.3V @ 40A$200.00
DC1753B-ALTC3880EUJ Demo Board (RSENSE) I Dual Phase Single Output PMBus Buck, 6.5V ≤ Vin ≤ 24V, Vout = 0.5V to 3.3V @ 40AContact Factory
DC1753B-BLTC3880EUJ Demo Board (DCR Sense) I Dual Phase Single Output PMBus Buck, 6.5V ≤ Vin ≤ 24V, Vout = 0.5V to 3.3V @ 40AContact Factory
DC1962CPower System Management Demo Board (PowerStick): 14-Supply Management with LTC2977, LTC2974 & LTC3880 [Requires DC1613]$95.00
DC1962C-KITStarter Kit for Power System Management [Includes DC1962C, DC1613A]$125.00
DC2052ALTC3880EUJ/LTC3883EUH, 3-Phase Demo Board, Vin Range: 6.5V to 14V, Vout Range: 0.5V to 1.8V @ 60A, PMBus Controlled, works w/ DC1613 Dongle$250.00
DC2088ALTC3880EUJ Demo Board | 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; VOUT Range: 0.8V to 1.8V @ Up to 50A$250.00
DC2089A-ALTC3880EUJ/LTC3870EUFD RSENSE Demo Board | 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; VOUT = 0.8V to 1.8V @ 80AContact Factory
DC2089A-BLTC3880EUJ/LTC3870EUFD DCR SENSE Demo Board | 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; VOUT = 0.8V to 1.8V @ 80A$275.00
Companion Boards
Part NumberDescriptionPrice
DC1613AUSB-to-PMBus Controller for Use with LTpowerPlay$50.00
DC2026CLinduino One Isolated Arduino-Compatible Demonstration Board$75.00
DC2294ADC2294A - PSM Linduino One Shield [requires DC2026, CA2978]$50.00
DC1590B-ALTC3880EUJ Demo Board (RSENSE) I Vin Range: 6.5V to 24V, VOUT0 = 0.5V to 4V @ 20A, VOUT1 = 0.5V to 5V @ 20A, PMBus Controlled, works w/ DC1613A$200.00
DC1590B-BLTC3880EUJ Demo Board (DCR) I Vin Range: 6.5V to 24V, VOUT0 = 0.5V to 4V @ 20A, VOUT1 = 0.5V to 5V @ 20A, PMBus Controlled, works w/ DC1613A$200.00
DC1709ALTC3880/-1 & LTC3887/-1 Demo Board I Programming Clamshell Socketed Demo Board$125.00
DC1740A-ALTC3880EUJ Demo Board | 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; VOUT0: 0.5V to 4.1V @ 80A, PMBus Controlled, works w/ DC1613$250.00
DC1740A-BLTC3880EUJ Demo Board | 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; VOUT0: 0.5V to 4.1V @ 20A, VOUT1: 0.5V to 4.1V @ 60A, PMBus Controlled, works w/ DC1613$250.00
DC1753A-ALTC3880EUJ Demo Board (RSENSE) | Dual Phase Single Output, PMBus Buck, 6.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 24V, Vout = 0.5V to 3.3V @ 40A$200.00
DC1753B-ALTC3880EUJ Demo Board (RSENSE) I Dual Phase Single Output PMBus Buck, 6.5V ≤ Vin ≤ 24V, Vout = 0.5V to 3.3V @ 40A联系凌力尔特
DC1753B-BLTC3880EUJ Demo Board (DCR Sense) I Dual Phase Single Output PMBus Buck, 6.5V ≤ Vin ≤ 24V, Vout = 0.5V to 3.3V @ 40A联系凌力尔特
DC1962CPower System Management Demo Board (PowerStick): 14-Supply Management with LTC2977, LTC2974 & LTC3880 [Requires DC1613]$95.00
DC1962C-KITStarter Kit for Power System Management [Includes DC1962C, DC1613A]$125.00
DC2052ALTC3880EUJ/LTC3883EUH, 3-Phase Demo Board, Vin Range: 6.5V to 14V, Vout Range: 0.5V to 1.8V @ 60A, PMBus Controlled, works w/ DC1613 Dongle$250.00
DC2088ALTC3880EUJ Demo Board | 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; VOUT Range: 0.8V to 1.8V @ Up to 50A$250.00
DC2089A-ALTC3880EUJ/LTC3870EUFD RSENSE Demo Board | 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; VOUT = 0.8V to 1.8V @ 80A联系凌力尔特
DC2089A-BLTC3880EUJ/LTC3870EUFD DCR SENSE Demo Board | 7V ≤ VIN ≤ 14V; VOUT = 0.8V to 1.8V @ 80A$275.00
Companion Boards
DC1613AUSB-to-PMBus Controller for Use with LTpowerPlay$50.00
DC2026CLinduino One Isolated USB Demo Board: An Arduino- and QuikEval-Compatible Code Development Platform$75.00
DC2294ADC2294A - PSM Linduino One Shield [requires DC2026, CA2978]$50.00
LT Journal
CAD 符号
LTC3880/LTC3880-1 - Dual Output PolyPhase Step-Down DC/DC Controller with Digital Power System Management
LTC3880 Package Drawing LTC3880
Power System Management
PMBus DC/DC Converters with Power System Management
PMBus Power System Managers
Power and Thermal Monitoring
Digital Power Done Right
LTC3880 to LTC3887 - Migration Guide
Digital Power System Management
AN145 - Overview of the EEPROM in LTC PSM Devices
LTC3880 - DC1590B Linduino .INO File
双输出 DC/DC 控制器可实现 ±0.5% 的 Vout 准确度
通过 I2C/PMBus 接口和内置 EEPROM 进行数字电源系统管理的双输出同步降压型 DC/DC 控制器
LTC3880 Project - Dual, Step-Down DC/DC Controller with Digital Power System Management & Rsense Current Sensing (6.5-24V to 1.5V @ 20A & 1.8V @ 20A)
LTC3880 Project - Dual, Step-Down DC/DC Controller with Digital Power System Management & Inductor DCR Current Sensing (6.5-24V to 1.5V @ 20A & 1.8V @ 20A)
LTC3880 Project - PolyPhase Step-Down DC/DC Controllers with Digital Power System Management & Inductor DCR Current Sensing (7-14V to 1.2V @ 100A)
LTC3880 Project - PolyPhase Step-Down DC/DC Controllers with Digital Power System Management & Rsense Current Sensing (6.5-24V to 1.8V @ 40A)
LTC3880 Demo Circuit - High Efficiency Dual 500kHz 3.3V/1.8V Step-Down Converter (6-24V to 3.3V @ 15A & 1.8V @ 15A)
LTC3880 & LTC3870 Project - PolyPhase Digital PSM Step-Down with Rsense Sensing Plus Two Slave Controllers (7-14V to 1V @ 80A)
LTC3880 & LTC3870 Project - PolyPhase Digital PSM Step-Down with Ultra-Low DCR Sensing Plus Two Slave Controllers (7-14V to 1V @ 80A)
LTC3880 Footprints and Symbols
Design Checklist for LTC388X Family of PSM Buck Converters
Dual Output DC/DC Controller Combines Digital Power System Management with Analog Control Loop for ±0.5% VOUT Accuracy
LTC3880 - Linduino CPP File
LTC3880 - Linduino Header File
R526 - Reliability Data
AN135 - Implementing Robust PMBus System Software for the LTC3880
AN137 - Accurate Temperature Sensing with an External P-N Junction
AN152 - Power System Management Addressing
AN153 - 用于电源系统管理的 Linduino
AN155 - Fault Log Decoding with Linduino PSM
Product Errata - LTC3880