
The MAX1669 evaluation system consists of a MAX1669 evaluation kit (EV kit) and a companion Maxim SMBus™ interface board. The MAX1669 EV kit is an assembled and tested PC board that demonstrates the MAX1669 fan controller and temperature sensor. The MAX1669, in conjunction with external power components, controls the speed of a DC brushless fan with either a PWM signal or a variable DC control voltage. A small fan is included with the EV kit. The MAX1669 also monitors the temperature of an external diode-connected transistor and converts the temperature to an 8-bit, 2-wire serial data. A 2N3906 temperature-sensor transistor comes soldered to the board in a SOT23 package. Removing the transistor allows the board to connect through a twisted pair, to a remote diode closer to your system for more realistic experiments. The Maxim SMBus interface board (MAXSMBus) allows an IBM®-compatible PC to use its parallel port to emulate an Intel® (SMBus) 2-wire interface. Windows® 95/98/2000-compatible software provides a user-friendly interface to exercise the MAX1669 features. The program is menu driven and offers a graphics interface with control buttons and status display. Order the MAX1669EVSYS for complete PC-based evaluation of the MAX1669. Order the MAX1669EVKIT if you already have an SMBus interface.

  • Measures and Displays Remote Sensor Temperature
  • Flexible Fan-Speed Control: Linear or PWM
  • Programmable Alarms and Configuration
  • Operating Temperature Ranges
    • -55°C to +125°C (Remote Sensor)
    • 0°C to +70°C (Board)
  • I²C*/SMBus Compatible
  • Easy-to-Use Menu-Driven Software
  • Assembled and Tested
  • Includes Windows 95/98/2000-Compatible Software and Demo PC Board
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