
Ideal for Graphical interface applications that can benefit from the integrated Graphics, 24K byte RAM for frame buffer, mTouch, USB and other peripherals.

  • 3x Graphics Hardware Acceleration Units
  • Color Look-up Table (CLUT) with Maximum of 256 Entries
  • Direct Interface to Monochrome, C-STN, TFT, OLED
  • Resolution up to 640x480 @30Hz, 16 bpp, or 480x272 @60Hz, 16 bpp
  • USB v2.0 On-the-Go (OTG) compliant
  • Dual role capable - can act as either Host or Device
  • Low speed(1.5Mb/s) and full speed(12 Mb/s) operation in host mode
  • Full speed USB operaton in Device mode
  • Up to 24x, Capacitive touch sensing
  • Up to 24x, 10-Bit, ADC at 500 ksps
  • 3x Analog Comparators with Programmable Input/Output Configuration
  • On-Chip Voltage Regulator of 1.8V
  • Switch between Clock Sources in Real Time
  • Idle, Sleep and Doze modes with Fast Wake-up and Two-Speed Start-up
  • Run Mode: 800 uA/MIPS, 3.3V Typical
  • Sleep mode Current Down to 20 uA, 3.3V Typical
  • Standby Current with 32 kHz Oscillator: 22 uA, 3.3V Typical
Parameter Name Value Value
Architecture 16-bit 16-bit
CPU Speed (MIPS) 16 16
Memory Type Flash Flash
Program Memory (KB) 256 256
RAM Bytes 24,576 24,576
Temperature Range C -40 to 85 -40 to 85
Operating Voltage Range (V) 2.2 to 3.6 2.2 to 3.6
I/O Pins 84 84
Pin Count 100 100
System Management Features BOR, LVD BOR, LVD
POR Yes Yes
WDT Yes Yes
Internal Oscillator 8 MHz, 32 kHz 8 MHz, 32 kHz
Digital Communication Peripherals 4-UART3-SPI3-I2C 4-UART3-SPI3-I2C
Analog Peripherals 1-A/D 24x10-bit @ 500(ksps) 1-A/D 24x10-bit @ 500(ksps)
Comparators 3 3
USB (ch, speed, compliance) 1, FS Device/Host/OTG, USB 2.0 OTG 1, FS Device/Host/OTG, USB 2.0 OTG
CAN (#, type) 0 None 0 None
Capture/Compare/PWM Peripherals 9/9 9/9
PWM Resolution bits 16 16
Timers 23 x 16-bit 11 x 32-bit 23 x 16-bit 11 x 32-bit
Parallel Port EPMP EPMP
DMA 2 2
Cap Touch Channels 24 24
PIC24FJ256DA210 Family Data SheetData Sheets05/28/20103194KB
Pin Planner Tool for PIC24FJ256DA210 and PIC24FJ256GB210 FamiliesData Sheets05/20/20104204KB
PIC24FJ256DA210 Family Silicon Errata and Data Sheet ClarificationErrata07/11/2013185KB
16-bit MCU and DSC Programmer's Reference ManualProgramming Specification02/25/201310777KB
PIC24FJXXXDA1/DA2/GB2/GA3/GC0 Families Flash Programming SpecificationProgramming Specification04/11/2012521KB
1368 - AN1368,Developing Graphics Apps using PIC MCUs w/Integrated Graphics ControllerAppNote05/02/2011580KB
AN1045 - File I/O Functions Using Microchip's Memory Disk Drive File System LibraryAppNote05/02/2014350KB
AN1136 - How to Use Widgets in Microchip Graphics LibraryAppNote10/25/2007473KB
AN1143 - Generic Client Driver for a USB Embedded HostAppNote02/23/2009262KB
AN1144 - USB Human Interface Device Class on an Embedded HostAppNote04/20/2015532KB
AN1145 - Using a USB Flash Drive with an Embedded HostAppNote04/20/2015248KB
AN1182 - Fonts in the Microchip Graphics LibraryAppNote09/25/2012385KB
AN1189 - Implementing a Mass Storage Device Using the Microchip USB Device Firmware FrameworkAppNote07/15/2008167KB
AN1212 - Using USB Keyboard with an Embedded HostAppNote08/07/2008485KB
AN1227 - Using a Keyboard with the Microchip Graphics LibraryAppNote03/28/2010150KB
AN1233 - AN1233, USB Printer Class on an Embedded HostAppNote04/20/2015305KB
AN1246 - How to Create Widgets in Microchip Graphics LibraryAppNote02/24/2011208KB
AN1247 - Communication Device Class (CDC) HostAppNote03/04/2009351KB
AN1250 - Microchip CTMU for Capacitive Touch ApplicationsAppNote02/03/2009834KB
AN1317 - mTouch Conducted Noise Immunity Techniques for the CTMUAppNote05/19/20101100KB
AN1375 - AN1375, See What You Can Do with the CTMUAppNote05/11/2011168KB
16-bit Peripherals Quick Reference GuideBrochures05/25/2016487KB
Graphical and Segmented Display Solutions BrochureBrochures04/29/20164228KB
16-bit Embedded Control Solutions BrochureBrochures06/29/20157978KB
MPLAB® X IDE Product OverviewSell Sheets07/11/2011182KB
Remote Control Demonstration Board Product OverviewSell Sheets01/10/2012279KB
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, 32-Bit Programmable CRCReference Manual03/14/2014206KB
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, CTMU and CTMU Operation with Threshold DetectReference Manual05/04/2016304KB
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, I2CReference Manual03/18/2014668KB
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, Output Compare with Dedicated TimerReference Manual03/13/2014363KB
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, PIC24F Flash Program MemoryReference Manual04/20/2015332KB
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)Reference Manual05/28/2014281KB
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, UARTReference Manual03/14/2014467KB
Section 06. Oscillator - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013354KB
Section 07. Reset - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013207KB
Section 08. Interrupts - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013364KB
Section 09. Watchdog Timer (WDT) - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/201396KB
Section 10. Power-Saving Features - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013114KB
Section 12. I/O Ports with Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013339KB
Section 14. Timers - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013276KB
Section 17. 10-Bit A/D Converter - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013675KB
Section 20. Comparator Voltage Reference - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013111KB
Section 27. USB On-The-Go (OTG) - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013490KB
Section 29. Real-Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC) - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013342KB
Section 32. High-Level Device Integration - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013211KB
Section 33. Programming and Diagnostics - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013155KB
Section 34. Input Capture with Dedicated Timer - PIC24F FRMReference Manual04/16/2014324KB
Section 42. Enhanced Parallel Master Port (EPMP) - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013408KB
Section 43. Graphics Controller Module (GFX) - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/20131060KB
Section 44. CPU with Extended Data Space (EDS) - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013280KB
Section 45. Data Memory with Extended Data Space - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/2013168KB
Section 46. Scalable Comparator Module - PIC24F FRMReference Manual02/22/201392KB
Program Executive RIPE_01c_000032Software12/08/20143KB
PIC24FJ256DA110 BSDL FileBoundaryScanBSDL06/01/201021KB
CE367 Extended Data Space for PIC24Code Examples06/08/201113KB
16-bit CPU Self-test LibrarySoftware Library06/20/2015
PIC24F CAD/CAE Schematic SymbolsPCB artwork01/02/201514943KB
Part NumberLeadsPackage TypeTemp RangePacking1+26+100+1000+5000+
PIC24FJ256DA110-I/BG121TFBGA-40C to +85CTRAY7.526.896.245.745.46
PIC24FJ256DA110-I/PT100TQFP-40C to +85CTRAY7.136.545.925.455.18
PIC24FJ256DA110T-I/BG121TFBGA-40C to +85CT/R7.566.936.285.785.50
PIC24FJ256DA110T-I/PT100TQFP-40C to +85CT/R7.186.585.965.485.22
PIC24FJ128DA1066412824,576$4.34USB, Graphics Controller
PIC24FJ128DA11010012824,576$4.83USB, Graphics Controller
PIC24FJ128DA2066412898,304$4.76USB, Graphics Controller
PIC24FJ128DA21010012898,304$5.25USB, Graphics Contoller
PIC24FJ256DA1066425624,576$4.69USB, Graphics Controller
PIC24FJ256DA11010025624,576$5.18USB, Graphics Controller
PIC24FJ256DA2066425698,304$5.11USB, Graphics Controller
PIC24FJ256DA21010025698,304$5.60USB, Graphics Controller
PIC24FJ256DA110-I/PT0.3910001.596639100TQFP12x12x1mmMatte Tine3
PIC24FJ256DA110T-I/PT0.3910001.333333100TQFP12x12x1mmMatte Tine3
PIC24FJ256DA210 Family Data Sheet PIC24FJ256DA210
Pin Planner Tool for PIC24FJ256DA210 and PIC24FJ256GB210 Families PIC24FJ256GB210
16-bit Embedded Control Solutions Brochure PIC24FJ32GA002
Graphical and Segmented Display Solutions Brochure PIC32MZ2048EFM144
AN1045 dsPIC33FJ64MC804
AN1136 AC164127-5
AN1143 PIC32MX695F512L
AN1145 PIC32MX695F512H
AN1182 PIC32MX695F512L
AN1189 PIC24FJ256GB210
AN1212 PIC24FJ256GB210
AN1227 dsPIC33FJ12GP202
AN1233 PIC32MX470F512L
AN1246 AC164127-5
AN1247 PIC32MX470F512L
AN1250 DM240011
AN1317 AC323027
1368 AC164127-5
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, PIC24F Flash Program Memory PIC24FJ32GA002
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, 32-Bit Programmable CRC PIC24FJ64GB412
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, CTMU and CTMU Operation with Threshold Detect dsPIC33EP64MC504
16-bit Peripherals Quick Reference Guide PIC24FJ32GA002
Remote Control Demonstration Board Product Overview PIC24FJ256DA210
Section 29. Real-Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC) - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 09. Watchdog Timer (WDT) - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 10. Power-Saving Features - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 06. Oscillator - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 14. Timers - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 17. 10-Bit A/D Converter - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 08. Interrupts - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 20. Comparator Voltage Reference - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 12. I/O Ports with Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 07. Reset - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 33. Programming and Diagnostics - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 32. High-Level Device Integration - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ32GA002
Section 27. USB On-The-Go (OTG) - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ64GB412
Section 42. Enhanced Parallel Master Port (EPMP) - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ64GB412
Section 43. Graphics Controller Module (GFX) - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ256DA210
Section 44. CPU with Extended Data Space (EDS) - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ64GB412
Section 45. Data Memory with Extended Data Space - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ64GB412
Section 46. Scalable Comparator Module - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ64GB412
PIC24FJXXXDA1/DA2/GB2/GA3/GC0 Families Flash Programming Specification PIC24FJ64GC010
MPLAB® X IDE Product Overview 24VL025
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, I2C PIC24FJ32GA002
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, Output Compare with Dedicated Timer dsPIC33EP64MC504
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) PIC24FJ32GA002
16-bit MCU and DSC Programmer's Reference Manual PIC24FJ32GA002
PIC24FJ256DA210 Family Silicon Errata and Data Sheet Clarification PIC24FJ256DA210
AN1144 PIC24FJ64GB410
AN1375 AC323027
Section 34. Input Capture with Dedicated Timer - PIC24F FRM PIC24FJ64GB412
AN1317 Source Code for PIC24F MCU using CTMU sensing method AC323027
CE367 Extended Data Space for PIC24 PIC24FJ256GB210
PIC24F CAD/CAE Schematic Symbols PIC24FJ32GA002
Pin Planner Tool for PIC24FJ256DA210 and PIC24FJ256GB210 Families PIC24FJ256GB210
Program Executive RIPE_01c_000032 PIC24FJ64GC010