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CLEV663B:CLRC663 reader board stacked on top of LPC-Link board supporting NXP's ARM-based microcontrollers

CLRC663 reader board stacked on top of LPC-Link board supporting NXP's ARM-based microcontrollers

  • Supports full development environment of LPCXpresso™
  • Simple to understand software based on NXP Reader Library incl. examples for fast development supporting LPC1227 and LPC1769 development boards: Polling Loop MIFARE Ultralight, MIFARE Classic, MIFARE DESFire EV1
  • Power supply by USB cable
  • Antenna can be separated from reader section
  • Supported LPCXpressso™ board: OM11049 (12NC: 935290886598)


CLRC663 reader board

AN11342How to Scale Down the NXP Reader LibraryApplication notepdf2013-03-19
AN11402How to implement the ICODE ILT anti-collisionApplication notepdf2013-10-24
AN11367How to build a NFC Application on AndroidApplication notepdf2013-06-19
AN11211Quick Start Up Guide RC663 BlueboardApplication notepdf2015-07-09
314130Schematics and BOM for CLEV663BOther typezip2014-11-17
SW297833NFC Reader Library V3.010 for CLEV663B including all software examplesSoftwarezip2014-12-02
SW335611NFC Reader Library V3.062 for CLEV663B including ICODE SLI (ISO15693) and ICODE ILT (ISO18000-3M3) components only. Contains ICODE SLI and ICODE ILT examples.Softwarezip2015-07-07
UM10721NXP Reader Library Peer to Peer User Manual based on CLRC663 and PN512 Blueboard Reader projectsUser manualpdf2013-07-24
UM10663NXP Reader Library User Manual based on CLRC663 and PN512 Blueboard Reader projectsUser manualpdf2013-10-24
型号订购码 (12NC)可订购的器件编号产品状态
CLEV663B9352 978 15699CLEV663B,699Active
CLRC66302HNHigh performance NFC reader solutionProduction
NFC Reader Library V3.010 for CLEV663B including all software examplesSoftware2014-12-02
NFC Reader Library V3.062 for CLEV663B including ICODE SLI (ISO15693) and ICODE ILT (ISO18000-3M3) components only. Contains ICODE SLI and ICODE ILT examples.Software2015-07-07
How to Scale Down the NXP® Reader Library slrc61002hn
How to implement the ICODE® ILT anti-collision slrc61002hn
How to build a NFC Application on Android pn7120
Quick Start Up Guide RC663 Blueboard slrc61002hn
Schematics and BOM for CLEV663B SLRC61002HN
NXP® Reader Library Peer to Peer User Manual based on CLRC663 and PN512 Blueboard Reader projects slrc61002hn
NXP® Reader Library User Manual based on CLRC663 and PN512 Blueboard Reader projects slrc61002hn
NFC Reader Library V3.010 for CLEV663B including all software examples CLEV663B
NFC Reader Library V3.062 for CLEV663B including ICODE SLI (ISO15693) and ICODE ILT (ISO18000-3M3) components only. Contains ICO CLEV663B