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OM13502: PCA2117 demo board

The OM13502 is an LCD demo board which can be used to demonstrate and evaluate the PCA2117 character driver. This is a Chip-On-Glass LCD character driver specifically designed to drive LCD dot-matrix displays of 2-lines by 20 characters or 1-line by 40 characters with 5 × 8 dot format. In addition 200 icons can be displayed.

The board is controlled by an LPCXpresso microcontroller board, which contains the LPC1115, a Cortex M0 controller. A free IDE can be downloaded in order to modify the software. Supply of the board can be done via an AC adapter or USB connector.

The 12NC of the OM13502 board is 9353 031 19598

  • Demonstrates PCA2117 LCD driver
  • Features a vertical alignment (VA) COG display module with integrated backlight. It was designed with Car Entertainment and Home Entertainment in mind
  • Plugged in OM13035 LPCXpresso board with LPC1115 microcontroller
  • 3 push buttons
  • User modifiable firmware, In-System / In-Application Programming (ISP / IAP) via USB
  • Power supply can be done either via USB or an external power supply. This can also be used for external VLCD.
Box contents:

OM13502: PCA2117 demo board

PCA2117 (中文)Automotive LCD driver for character displaysData sheetpdf2015-04-08
UM10818OM13502, PCA2117 demo boardUser manualpdf2015-03-06
型号订购码 (12NC)可订购的器件编号产品状态
OM135029353 031 19598OM13502ULActive
PCA2117DUGRAutomotive LCD driver for character displaysProduction
PCA2117DUGSAutomotive LCD driver for character displaysProduction
Automotive LCD driver for character displays pca2117dugs
OM13502, PCA2117 demo board pca2117dugs