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OM13515:I²C-bus RTC demo board OM13515

The evaluation board OM13515 uses the low power RTC PCF85063AT with I²C-bus interface

  • The OM13515 allows easily demonstrating the operation of the PCx85063A with I²C-bus interface
  • No need to solder the tiny package to a breadboard 100 mil connector for straight forward connections
  • To visualize the interrupt an LED (D1) is mounted. To minimize the power consumption it can be switched off by removing the jumper J2
  • Straight forward interfacing: Connect supply voltage (e.g. 3.3 V): VSS to pin 1, VDD to pin 2 Connect I²C-bus (pull-up resistor needed): SCL to pin 4, SDA to pin 3 Connect interrupt and/or CLKOUT if required Communicate with the RTC

I²C-bus RTC demo board OM13515

AN11247Improved timekeeping accuracy with PCF85063, PCF8523 and PCF2123 using an external temperature sensorApplication notepdf2015-03-06
PCF85063A (中文)Tiny Real-Time Clock/calendar with alarm function and I2C-busData sheetpdf2015-05-06
UM10301User Manual for NXP Real Time Clocks PCF85x3, PCF85x63, PCA8565, PCF2123, and PCA21125User manualpdf2015-07-24
UM10788User manual for I²C-bus RTC demo board OM13515User manualpdf2014-08-04
型号订购码 (12NC)可订购的器件编号产品状态
OM135159353 041 65598OM13515ULActive
PCF85063ATTiny Real-Time Clock/calendar with alarm function and I²C-busProduction
PCF85063ATLTiny Real-Time Clock/calendar with alarm function and I²C-busProduction
PCF85063ATTTiny Real-Time Clock/calendar with alarm function and I²C-busProduction
Tiny Real-Time Clock/calendar with alarm function and I2C-bus PCF85063A
Improved timekeeping accuracy with PCF85063, PCF8523 and PCF2123 using an external temperature sensor PCF85063BTL
User Manual for NXP® Real Time Clocks PCF85x3, PCF85x63, PCA8565, PCF2123, and PCA21125 pca8565ts
User manual for I²C-bus RTC demo board OM13515 PCF85063TP