NB7V32M: 1.8 V / 2.5 V, 10 GHz ÷·2 Clock Divider with CML Outputs

The NB7V32M is a differential divide-by-2 Clock divider with asynchronous reset. The differential Clock inputs incorporate internal 50-ohm termination resistors and will accept LVPECL, CML and LVDS logic levels. The NB7V32M produces a divide-by-2 output copy of an input Clock operating up to 10GHz with minimal jitter. The Reset pin is asserted on the rising edge. Upon power-up, the internal flip-flops will attain a random state; the Reset allows for the synchronization of multiple NB7V32M's in a system. The 16mA differential CML output provides matching internal 50-ohm termination which guarantees 400mV output swing when externally receiver terminated with 50-ohm to VCC. The NB7V32M is the 1.8V/2.5V version of the NB7L32M 2.5V/3.3V and is offered in a low profile 3mm x 3mm 16-pin QFN package.

  • Maximum Input Clock Frequency > 10 GHz, typical
  • Random Clock Jitter < 0.8ps RMS
  • 30ps Typical Rise and Fall Times
  • Differential CML Outputs, 400mV peak-to-peak, typical
  • -40C to +85C Ambient Operating Temperature
  • Test & Measurement, ATE
  • Instumentation, Networking
数据表 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
1.8V / 2.5V, 10GHz ÷2 Clock Divider with CML OutputsNB7V32M/D (128.0kB)5
评估板文档 (1)
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NB7V32MMNGEVB ManualEVBUM2185/D (621.0kB)0
封装图纸 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevision
QFN16, 3x3, 0.5P485G-01 (57.3kB)F
NB7V32MMNGEVBActivePb-freeDifferential Clock Divider Evaluation Border
产品状况Compliance封装MSL*容器预算价格 (1千个数量的单价)
NB7V32MMNGActivePb-free Halide freeQFN-16485G-011Tube123联系BDTIC
NB7V32MMNHTBGActivePb-free Halide freeQFN-16485G-011Tape and Reel100联系BDTIC
NB7V32MMNTXGActivePb-free Halide freeQFN-16485G-011Tape and Reel3000联系BDTIC
ProductTypeInput LevelOutput LevelVCC Typ (V)fMax Typ (MHz)tpd Typ (ns)tR & tF Max (ps)
NB7V32MMNGDividerLVDS ECL CMLCML2.5 1.8100000.260
NB7V32MMNHTBGDividerCML ECL LVDSCML2.5 1.8100000.260
NB7V32MMNTXGDividerCML LVDS ECLCML2.5 1.8100000.260
1.8V / 2.5V, 10GHz ÷2 Clock Divider with CML Outputs (128.0kB) NB7V32M
QFN16, 3x3, 0.5P NLSF308