CC1000PP 433 MHz Plug and Play ModuleCC1000PPK-433

CC1000PPK-433 描述

The CC1000 is a very flexible and feature-rich single-chip, low-power RF transceiver. Chipcon has designed the CC1000PP plug-and-play module to serve as a reference layout and enable very quick prototyping of an RF system.

This plug and play kit includes 2 CC1000PP 433 MHz modules. The customer can prototype by adding an appropriate connector to his PCB and plug in these modules

CC1000PPK-433 特性

A complete development kit includes:

CC1000PPK-433 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器个人局域网选型与价格 . xls
CC1000PPK-433 相关产品
CC1000 用于 315/433/868/915MHz SRD 频带的单片超低功率射频收发器 专利射频