CC1120-CC1190EM 915MHz 参考设计 CC1120-CC1190EM915RD

CC1120-CC1190EM915RD 描述

The CC1120-CC1190EM 915 MHz reference design contains schematics and layout files for the CC1120-CC1190EM 915 MHz evaluation module. The reference design demonstrates good techniques for CC1120-CC1190 decoupling and RF layout. For optimum RF performance, these parts should be copied accurately. This is a 4-layer reference design with a discrete balun and an SMA antenna connector designed for a single ended 50 ohm antenna. The RF section has been designed and characterized for operation in the 902-928 MHz frequency band. The maximum output power is +27 dBm @3.6V and the sensitivity is improved 2-3 dB compared to a CC1120 stand-alone solution.

CC1120-CC1190EM915RD 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器个人局域网选型与价格 . xls
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