CC2520 开发套件 CC2520DK

CC2520DK 描述

The CC2520 Development Kit includes hardware and software that allows quick testing of the CC2520 RF performance and offers a complete platform for development of advanced prototype RF systems and for evaluation of the CC2520 right out of the box. The kit can be used for range testing using the pre-programmed PER tester running on the MSP430F2618.

Use SmartRF® Studio to perform RF measurements. The radio can be easily configured to measure sensitivity, output power and other RF parameters. All I/O from the CC2520 are available on pin connectors on the SmartRF®05EB and on the CCMSP-EM, allowing easy interconnection to other devices or controllers. These connectors are also compatible with logic analyzer probes for easy debugging.

The SmartRF05+CC2520EM can be utilized as a capture device for the SmartRF Packet Sniffer and the

CC2520DK 特性
CC2520DK 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器网状网络和 IP 网络选型与价格 . xls
CC2520DK 相关产品
器件型号 名称 产品系列
CC2520 二代 2.4GHz ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 射频收发器 网状网络和 IP 网络