The Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library is a royalty-free set of functions for controlling the peripherals found on the Stellaris family of ARM Cortex-M3 microcontrollers. Vastly superior to a GUI peripheral configuration tool, the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library performs both peripheral initialization and peripheral control functions with a choice of polled or interrupt-driven peripheral support.


The Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library provides support for two programming models: the direct register access model and the software driver model. Each programming model can be used independently or combined, based on the needs of the application or the programming environment desired by the developer. The direct register access model includes header files for each specific Stellaris MCU and will generally result in smaller and more efficient code in a software development environment familiar to most deeply embedded firmware engineers and to engineers used to working with 8- and 16-bit MCUs. The software driver model insulates the software engineer from hardware details including the operation of each register, bit field, their interactions, and sequencing required for the proper operation of the peripheral, generally requiring less time to develop applications.

Some Stellaris microcontrollers provide the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library on-chip in ROM (read-only memory). With the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library in ROM, it is easier than ever to use the library to quickly develop efficient and functional applications in an environment where the entire flash memory is available for use for the application. The ROM-based Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library also supports user flash-based overrides of standard Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library functions, for complete flexibility in functionality.