VCA2611 评估模块VCA2611EVM

VCA2611EVM 描述

The VCA2611 is a dual, variable gain amplifier including a low-noise preamplifier (LNP). The VCA2611EVM evaluation module is designed to provide a complete evaluation platform for the VCA2611. The user can apply the input signal either to the LNP, or directly to the VCA section. The differential outputs of the VCA2611 are buffered using an op amp in a difference amplifier configuration. This amplifier is also capable of driving a terminated 50ohm load, suitable for lab test equipment. The installed switches allow the user to operate the VCA2611 in all possible configurations.

The VCA2611EVM requires a +5V supply for the VCA2611 itself, and an additional +/-5V for the output buffer opamps. All signal inputs and outputs use SMA connectors

VCA2611EVM 特性
VCA2611EVM 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. TI 德州仪器PGA/VGA选型与价格 . xls
VCA2611EVM 相关产品
器件型号 名称 产品系列
VCA2611  具有低噪声前置放大器的双路可变增益放大器 PGA/VGA