具有DCS-Control™ 的3A 高效同步降压转换器 (Rev. A) TPS62090-Q1
了解 DCS-Control™ 拓扑中的频率变化 TPS82740A
实现降压型转换器出色 PCB 布局的五个步骤 TPS62691
Testing tips for applying external power to supply outputs without an input volt TPS82690
Basic Calculation of a Buck Converter's Power Stage TPS82085
How to Measure the Control Loop of DCS-Control Devices TPS62230
Optimizing the TPS62090 Output Filter TPS62090
Understanding the Absolute Maximum Ratings of the SW Node TPS61087
Choosing an Appropriate Pull-up/Pull-down Resistor for Open Drain Outputs TPS82085
QFN/SON PCB Attachment Application Report BQ24010
Performing Accurate PFM Mode Efficiency Measurements TPS82085
TPS2090EVM-063 Evaluation Module TPS62090
汽车娱乐信息指南 TPIC74100-Q1
2016 Automotive Infotainment Guide TPIC74100-Q1
TPS62090 PSpice Transient Model TPS62090
TINA-TI Transient Spice Model (Export from WEBENCH) LMZ34002