AD7661ASTZ:  16位、100 kSPS、内置基准电压的PulSAR®单极性ADC

AD7661是一款16位、100 kSPS、电荷再分配SAR型模数转换器(ADC),采用5 V单电源供电。该器件内置一个16位高速采样ADC、一个内部转换时钟、一个内部基准电压、纠错电路,以及串行和并行系统接口。


The AD7661 is a 16-bit, 100kSPS, charge redistribution SAR, analog-to-digital converter that operates from a single 5 V power supply. The part contains a high-speed 16-bit sampling ADC, an internal conversion clock, internal reference, error correction circuits, and both serial and parallel system interface ports.

It is fabricated using Analog Devices’ high-performance, 0.6 micron CMOS process, with correspondingly low cost and is available in a 48-lead LQFP and a tiny 48-lead LFCSP with operation specified from –40°C to +85°C.

AD7661ASTZ 特点
AD7661ASTZ 功能框图

AD7661 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 引脚 温度范围
AD7661ACP Prodn 48 ld LFCSP 7x7mm (5.25EP) 48 工业
AD7661ACPRL Prodn 48 ld LFCSP 7x7mm (5.25EP) 48 工业
AD7661ACPZ Prodn 48 ld LFCSP 7x7mm (5.25EP) 48 工业
AD7661ACPZRL Prodn 48 ld LFCSP 7x7mm (5.25EP) 48 工业
AD7661AST Prodn 48 ld LQFP 48 工业
AD7661ASTRL Prodn 48 ld LQFP 48 工业
AD7661ASTZ Prodn 48 ld LQFP 48 工业
AD7661ASTZRL Prodn 48 ld LQFP 48 工业
EVAL-AD7661CB Prodn Evaluation Boards - 工业
AD7661ASTZ 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. AD7661 数据手册DataSheet下载 . pdf
  2. Analog Devices, Inc.ADI 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .pdf
  3. ADC模数转换器选型指南 . pdf