AD7861APZ:  11位分辨率同时采样ADC

The AD7861 is a multichannel simultaneous sampling A/D Converter (ADC) configured for the acquisition of voltage inputs in a motor control solution or three-phase power system.

The AD7861 combined with Analog Devices’ 16-bit fixed-point digital signal processor (DSP) provides a low cost 16-bit fixed-point microcontroller solution. The input stage has been designed to accommodate the types of signals frequently found in motor drives. The VIN1, VIN2, and VIN3 channels are simultaneously sampled inputs suitable for stator current acquisition. The AUX0–AUX3 channels are multiplexed and are suitable for slower moving inputs such as temperature and bus voltage of the diode rectifier output in a motor control application.



AD7861APZ 技术指标
Resolution (Bits) 11bit Interface Par
T-Put Rate 28.6kSPS Ain Range Uni (Vref) x 2,Uni 5.0V
# Chan 7 SNR (dB) 60dB
Supply V Single(+5) Pkg Type LCC
Pwr Diss (max) 50mW -- --
AD7861 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 引脚 温度范围
AD7861AP Prodn 44 ld PLCC 44 Ind
AD7861APZ Prodn 44 ld PLCC 44 Ind
AD7861APZ 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. AD7861 数据手册DataSheet下载 . pdf
  2. Analog Devices, Inc.ADI 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .pdf
  3. ADC模数转换器选型指南 . pdf