The AD8381 provides a fast, 10-bit latched decimating digital input, which drives six high voltage outputs. Ten-bit input words are sequentially loaded into six separate high-speed, bipolar DACs. Flexible digital input format allows several AD8381s to be used in parallel for higher resolution displays. STSQ synchronizes sequential input loading, XFR controls synchronous output updating and R/L controls the direction of loading as either Left to Right or Right to Left. Six channels of high voltage output drivers drive to within 1.3V of the rail in rated settling time. The output signal can be adjusted for brightness, signal inversion and contrast for maximum flexibility.
The AD8381 is fabricated on ADI's proprietary, fast bipolar 24V process, providing fast input logic, bipolar DACs with trimmed accuracy and fast settling, high voltage precision drive amplifiers on the same chip.
The AD8381 dissipates 570 mW nominal static power. STYB pin reduces power to a minimum, with fast recovery.
The AD8381 is offered in a 48-lead 7x7x1.4 mm LQFP package and operates over the commercial temperature range of 0° to 85°C.
产品型号 | 产品状态 | 封装 | 引脚 | 温度范围 |
AD8381JST | 量产 | 48 ld LQFP | 48 | 商业 |
AD8381JSTZ | 量产 | 48 ld LQFP | 48 | 商业 |