HMC-ABH264 Medium Power Amplifier Chip, 34 - 42 GHz
he HMC-ABH264 is a high dynamic range GaAs PHEMT MMIC Medium Power Amplifier which operates between 34 and 42 GHz. The HMC-ABH264 provides 18.5 dB of gain, and an output power of 18 dBm at 1 dB compression from a +5V supply. The HMC-ABH264 amplifier can easily be integrated into Multi-Chip-Modules (MCMs) due to its small size. This compact medium power amplifier die delivers consistent output power and excellent gain flatness across its rated bandwidth. All data is herein is measured with the chip in a 50 Ohm test fixture connected via 0.025mm (1 mil) diameter wire bonds of minimal length 0.31mm (12 mils).
- High Output IP3: 29 dBm
- High P1dB: 18 dBm
- High Gain: 18.5 dB
- Bias Supply: +5V
- 50 Ohm Matched Input/Output
- Die Size: 2.4 x 1.64 x 0.1 mm
- Point-to-Point Radio
- Point-to-Multi-Point Radio
- Military & Space
订购信息 Ordering Information
Freq. (GHz) |
Function |
Gain (dB) |
OIP3 (dBm) |
NF (dB) |
P1dB (dBm) |
Bias Supply |
Package |
34 - 42 |
Medium Power Amplifier |
18.5 |
29 |
6.5 |
18 |
+5V @ 120mA |
Chip |
功能框图 Functional Block Diagram
