HMC329 GaAs MMIC DBL-BAL Mixer Chip, 25 - 40 GHz

The HMC329 chip is a miniature passive double balanced mixer which can be used as an upconverter or downconverter from 25 - 40 GHz in a small chip area of 0.85 x 0.55mm. Excellent isolations are provided by on-chip baluns, and the chip requires no external components and no DC bias. Measurements were made with the chip mounted and ribbon bonded into in a 50-ohm microstrip test fixture that contains 5-mil alumina substrates between the chip and K- connectors. Measured data includes the parasitic effects of the assembly. RF connections to the chip were made with 0.076 mm (3-mil) ribbon bond with minimal length <0.31mm (<12 mil).

  • Passive: No DC Bias Required
  • Input IP3: +19 dBm
  • LO/RF Isolation: 42 dB
  • Small Size: 0.85 x 0.55 x 0.1 mm
订购信息 Ordering Information
  • HMC329
  • LMDS
  • Microwave Point-to-Point Radios
RF Freq. (GHz) Function IF Freq. (GHz) Conv. Gain (dB) LO/RF Isol. (dB) IIP3 (dBm) Package
25 - 40 +13 LO, DBL-BAL DC - 8 -9.5 42 19 Chip
功能框图 Functional Block Diagram

HMC329 功能框图

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HMC329 数据资料DataSheet下载:pdf Rev.V2 2 页