HMC622LP4 Mixer w/ Integrated IF & LO Amplifier, 1.8 - 3.9 GHz
The HMC622LP4E is a highly integrated converter IC that operates from 1.8 to 3.9 GHz for both upconversion and downconversion applications. The HMC622LP4E incorporates a high dynamic range, double-balanced mixer core with integrated LO and IF amplifiers, making it ideal for compact transceiver applications in GSM, WCDMA, TD-SCDMA, WiBro and WiMAX. This versatile converter RFIC operates with a low LO input power level of only +3 dBm, provides up to 10 dB conversion gain, and exhibits +23 dBm Input IP3 in downconversion mode. This RFIC provides up to 12 dB conversion gain in upconverter mode. Specific evaluation boards are available for both upconversion and downconversion modes.
- High Input IP3: +23 dBm
- Low Input LO Drive: 0 to +6 dBm
- High LO to RF Isolation: 33 dB
- High Conversion Gain: 9 dB
- Can be used for upconversion
or downconversion
- 24 Lead 4x4mm SMT Package: 16mm²
订购信息 Ordering Information
- PCS / 3G Infrastructure
- Base Stations & Repeaters
- WiMAX & WiBro
- Broadband & Fixed Wireless
RF Freq. (GHz) |
Function |
IF Freq. (GHz) |
Conv. Gain (dB) |
LO/RF Isol. (dB) |
IIP3 (dBm) |
Package |
1.8 - 3.9 |
+3 LO, DBL-BAL |
0.2 - 0.55 |
9 |
33 |
23 |
LP4 |
功能框图 Functional Block Diagram
