HMC757 1/2 Watt Power Amplifier Chip, 16 - 24 GHz
The HMC757 is a three stage GaAs pHEMT MMIC 1/2 Watt Power Amplifier which operates between 16 and 24 GHz. The HMC757 provides 22 dB of gain, and +30 dBm of saturated output power at 30% PAE from a +7V supply. The RF I/Os are DC blocked and matched to 50 Ohms for ease of integration into Multi-Chip- Modules (MCMs). All data is taken with the chip in a 50 Ohm test fixture connected via 0.025 mm (1 mil) diameter wire bonds of length 0.31 mm (12 mils).
Saturated Output Power:
+30 dBm @ 30% PAE
High Output IP3: +37 dBm
High Gain: 22 dB
DC Supply: +7V @ 395 mA
50 Ohm Matched Input/Output
Die Size: 2.4 x 0.9 x 0.1 mm
- Point-to-Point Radios
- Point-to-Multi-Point Radios
- Military & Space
Freq. (GHz) |
Function |
Gain (dB) |
OIP3 (dBm) |
NF (dB) |
P1dB (dBm) |
Bias Supply |
Package |
16 - 24 |
Power Amplifier, 1/2 Watt |
22 |
37 |
- |
29 |
+7V @ 395mA |
Chip |
订购信息 Ordering Information
功能框图 Functional Block Diagram
