MA46600 GaAs High Q Abrupt Tuning Varactors

The MA46600 of microwave tuning varactors is a family of abrupt junction gallium arsenide devices featuring Q factors in excess of 8000. This is specifically designed for broadband high Q tuning performance (up to 8000 at -4 volts and 50 MHz) from L through Ka band. Characteristics such as high reliability, low leakage and close capacitance tracking between diodes are typical of these devices. Standard capacitance matching is ± 10%, but closer matching is available upon request. All diode types are available in a wide selection of ceramic packages as well as in chip form.

技术特性 Features
  • Constant Gamma Abrupt Junction: 0.5
  • Highest Q
  • Large Capacitance Variation with Voltage
  • Custom Tailored Designs Available on Request
  • RoHS* Compliant
订购信息 Ordering Information
  • MA46600-134
  • MA46603-134
  • MA46603-276
应用领域 Applications

The MA46600 of tuning varactors can be used for both broad and narrow band tuning through Ka-band. Typical applications include solid state tuning of VCOs using transistors or Gunns as well as voltage tunable filters and amplifier circuits. The GaAs abrupt junction tuning varactors offer the highest Q of any tuning varactors and are utilized in high frequency applications where Q is premium.

应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载 版本信息 大小
MA46600 数据资料DataSheet下载:MA46600 E-Series Coupler 5 to 1000 MHz Rev.V2 2