MA8334 High Power Multi-Throw PIN Diode Switch Modules
M/A-COM Technology Solutions MA8334 of multi-throw high power switch modules are SPDT and SP3T devices intended for use from 10 MHz to 1000 MHz. They are designed to function with an input power of 100 watts, CW, into a 50 Ω load with a nominal source VSWR of 1.3:1. These switch modules are constructed using advanced hybrid technology and utilize PIN diode chips that have been optimized for low loss and high reliability. These switch modules make use of M/A-COM Tech’s, high voltage, CERMACHIP™ PIN diode chip distinguished by its low thermal resistance and low intermodulation distortion. Applications for the MA8334 switch modules include 100W incident power T/R antenna and diversity switches. Typical bias conditions for nominal switch operation are +50mA @ +1V for the low loss condition and -100V @ 0 mA for isolation.
技术特性 Features
- SPDT and SP3T Diode Designs
- Low Intermodulation Distortion, 80 dBc
- High Average Power, 100 W
- Wide Bandwidth, 10 MHz to 1000 MHz
- Low Insertion Loss
- High Isolation
- RoHS Compliant
订购信息 Ordering Information
MA8334 产品实物图
