MABA-008757-CT1160 1:1 Transmission Line Transformer 4.5 to 3000 MHz
The MABA-008757-CT1160 is a 1:1 Transmission Line Transformer. The windings of the MABA- 008757-CT1160 are welded to the package substrate for improved reliability and to eliminate lead content. This Transformer is ideally suited for CATV and Satellite STB/Subscriber applications.
技术特性 Features
- Surface mount
- Wide frequency range
- 1:1 Impedance
- Lead free
- RoHS Compliant and is 260ºC reflow compatible
- Available on tape and reel, reel quantity 2000
订购信息 Ordering Information
- MABA-008757-CT1160 2000 piece reel
- MABA-008757-CT11TB Customer Test Board
电路原理图 Schematic

MABA-008757-CT1160 产品实物图
