MABA-009412-CF1BC0 1:1 Flux Coupled BalBal Transformer with separated center taps 5 - 120 MHz
M/A-COM’s MABA-009412-CF1BC0 is a 1:1 BalBal flux coupled transformer in a low cost surface mount package. The 4 coils on this core are routed to separate pins on the carrier, so it may be configured for many different circuits. Ideally suited for high volume CATV application.
技术特性 Features
- Surface Mount
- 1:1 Impedance
- 75 Ohm
- RoHS Compliant
电路原理图 Schematic

订购信息 Ordering Information
- MABA-009412-CF1BC0 500 pieces per reel
- MABA-009412-CF1BTB Customer test board
MABA-009412-CF1BC0 产品实物图
