MACS-007801-0M1R1V Mono Voltage Controlled Doppler Transceiver 24.125 GHz
M/A-COM’s MACS-007801-0M1R1V is a RoHS Compliant K-Band Mono Doppler Transceiver consisting of a Gunn Diode oscillator, a Schottky Diode mixer and a Varactor Diode assembled into a die cast waveguide package. These Transceivers are well suited for high volume applications where small size and reliability are required.
技术特性 Features
- Low Cost
- 8.0mW Output Power
- 300MHz of Electronic Tuning
- Rugged Die cast Construction
- 10Hz - 5000Hz IF Bandwidth
- Lead Free (RoHS* Compliant)
电路原理图 Schematic

订购信息 Ordering Information
MACS-007801-0M1R1V 产品实物图
