Bluetooth® low energy



nRF51系列为最新单芯片多协议无线SOC,内置ARM Cortex M0 32位低功耗处理器,256KB FLASH,16KB RAM,最高+4dBm输出,极佳的接收灵敏度-96dBm@250Kbps,以及RSSI检测等。nRF51系列单芯片多协议无线SOC,既可用于传统2.4GHz私有协议产品的开发,也可用于最新低功耗蓝牙产品的开发

Bluetooth® low energy technology is an integral part the Bluetooth Core Specification from Bluetooth v4.0 onwards. Bluetooth low energy brings Bluetooth wireless connectivity to low cost, small battery operated devices that require months to years of battery lifetime. Bluetooth low energy will therefore enable a new and extended range of applications to benefit from Bluetooth wireless technology including watches, proximity tags, sports and fitness sensors, healthcare sensors and remote controls. Bluetooth low energy technology can be branded under the Bluetooth smart marks in accordance with guideline from the Bluetooth SIG.

Key features of Bluetooth low energy include:

Bluetooth low energy has official support in iOS and Android mobile platforms aswell as most desktop platforms including OSX, Windows 8 and Linux

名称 简介
nRF8001 低功耗蓝牙无线收发芯片
nRF8002 低功耗蓝牙接近芯片
nRF8001-DK nRF8001 Development Kit (开发板)
nRF8002-DK nRF8002 Development Kit (开发板)
nRFgo Starter Kit Nordic产品通用开发平台(母板)
低功耗蓝牙无线SOC nRF51系列
名称 简介
nRF51822 2.4GHz 单芯片多协议(低功耗蓝牙/私有协议),无线SOC 32位ARM Cortex M0内核,256KB Flash, 16KB RAM
nRF51822-EK nRF51822 Evaluation Kit, (评估板)
nRF51822-DK nRF51822 Development Kit (开发板,含独立仿真器)
nRFgo Starter Kit Nordic产品通用开发平台(母板)