APD_Series Silicon PIN Diodes, Packaged and Bondable Chips
SKYWORKS APD series of silicon PIN diodes are designed for use as switch and attenuator devices in high-performance RF and microwave circuits. The PIN diode designs are useful over a wide range of frequencies from below 100 MHz to beyond 30 GHz. These devices use SKYWORKS well-established silicon technology resulting in PIN diodes with tightly controlled I-region characteristics. Devices APD0505-000 through APD0810-000 are designed for fast speed through moderate speed switch applications. They have low resistance and capacitance at zero and reverse bias. The thick I-region APD2220-000 is designed for low-distortion attenuator applications.
- Established SKYWORKS PIN diode process
- Low capacitance designs to 0.05 pF
- Voltage ratings to 200 V
- Chip size < 15 mils square
- Tight control of I layer base width
- Mesa and planar chip designs
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