LM347 双路运算放大器

The LM347 is a general purpose dual operational amplifier. The two amplifiers share a common bias network and power supply leads. Otherwise, their operation is completely independent.

Additional features of the LM347 are: no latch-up when input common mode range is exceeded, freedom from oscillations, and package flexibility.

The LM347C/LM347E is identical to the LM347/LM347A except that the LM347C/LM347E has its specifications guaranteed over the temperature range from 0°C to +70°C instead of -55°C to +125°C.

Vn at 1kHz (Typ) (nV/rtHz) 23    
IIB (Max) (pA) 1500000    
Slew Rate (Typ) (V/us) 0.5    
GBW (Typ) (MHz) 1.5    
Number of Channels 2    
Total Supply Voltage (V) (Min) (+5V=5, +/-5V=10) 10    
Total Supply Voltage (V) (Max) (+5V=5, +/-5V=10) 44    
VIO (25 deg C) (Max) (mV) 5    
Output Current (+/-) (Min) (A) 25    
Input OutputType Not Rail to Rail
Special Features Vos Adj    
LM347 特性
LM347 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. LM347 数据资料 dataSheet 下载.PDF
  2. TI 德州仪器放大器产品选型与价格 . xls
  3. Application Note 263 Sine Wave Generation Techniques (snoa665b.PDF, 349 KB)
  4. Effect of Heavy Loads on Accuracy & Linearity of Op Amp Circuits (snoa471a.PDF, 4.53 MB)