SN65LVDS308 QVGA-VGA 27 位显示屏串行接口发送器

The SN65LVDS308 receiver deserializes FlatLink 3G-compliant serial input data to 27 parallel data outputs. The SN65LVDS308 receiver contains one shift register to load 30 bits from two serial inputs and latches the 24 pixel bits and 3 control bits out to the parallel CMOS outputs after checking the parity bit. If a parity error is detected, the data output bus disregards the newly received pixel. Instead, the last data word is held on the output bus for another clock cycle.

The serial data and clock are received via sub-low-voltage differential signalling (SubLVDS) lines. The SN65LVDS308 supports three operating power modes (shutdown, standby, and active) to conserve power.

When receiving, the PLL locks to the incoming clock, CLK, and generates an internal high-speed clock at the line rate of the data lines

Number of Parallel Outputs 27  
Data Throughput(MB/s) 810  
Type of Line Circuit subLVDS  
Supply Voltage(s)(V) 1.8  
PLL Frequency(MHz) 4 - 30  
Operating Temperature Range(°C) -40 to 85  
SN65LVDS308 特性
SN65LVDS308 芯片订购指南
器件 状态 温度 价格 封装 | 引脚 封装数量 | 封装载体 丝印标记
SN65LVDS308ZQCR ACTIVE -40 to 85 1.70 | 1ku BGA MICROSTAR JUNIOR (ZQC) | 48 2500 | LARGE T&R  
SN65LVDS308ZQCT ACTIVE -40 to 85 1.95 | 1ku BGA MICROSTAR JUNIOR (ZQC) | 48 250 | SMALL T&R  
SN65LVDS308 质量与无铅数据
器件 环保计划* 铅/焊球涂层 MSL 等级/回流焊峰 环保信息与无铅 (Pb-free) DPPM / MTBF / FIT 率
SN65LVDS308ZQCR Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)  SNAGCU  Level-3-260C-168 HR SN65LVDS308ZQCR SN65LVDS308ZQCR
SN65LVDS308ZQCT Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)  SNAGCU  Level-3-260C-168 HR SN65LVDS308ZQCT SN65LVDS308ZQCT
SN65LVDS308 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. SN65LVDS308 数据资料 dataSheet 下载.PDF
  2. TI 德州仪器FlatLink选型与价格 . xls
  3. 所选封装材料的热学和电学性质 (PDF 645 KB)
  4. Q1 2009 Issue Analog Applications Journal (slyt319.PDF, 1.39 MB)
  5. 使用 TI 的 SN65LVDS308 收发器改善 CAN 网络安全性 (zhct033.PDF, 299 KB)
  6. Isolated CAN Reference Design (PDF 48 KB)
  7. Isolated RS-485 Reference Design (PDF 80 KB)
  8. 无铅组件涂层的保存期评估 (PDF 1305 KB)
  9. Isolated CAN EVM User's Guide (PDF 1168 KB)
  10. Energy Harvesting: Solar Solutions Guide (PDF 409 KB)
  11. Analog Signal Chain Guide (8.62 MB)
  12. Industrial Interface IC Solutions (101 KB)
SN65LVDS308 工具与软件
培训内容 型号 软件/工具类型
通过 CAN 总线进行工业控制的演示平台 CANBUS-DEMO 硬件参考设计