ADM6713TAKS-REEL7:  Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit in 4-Lead SC70

The ADM6711/ADM6713 are reset generator circuits suitable for use in microprocessor-based systems. They provide a reset signal on power-up, power-down, and whenever the supply voltage falls below a preset threshold. In addition, both parts have a debounced manual reset input so that a reset signal can also be initiated with an external switch or logic signal.

With six different reset threshold options available ranging from 2.32 V to 4.63 V, the ADM6711/ADM6713 are suitable for monitoring 2.5 V, 3 V, 3.3 V, and 5 V supplies. A reset timeout of at least 140 ms occurs when VCC rises above the threshold. This gives the supply voltage time to stabilize before the microprocessor starts up.

The ADM6711 has a push-pull output, so no additional external components are needed. The ADM6713 open-drain output requires an external pull-up resistor that can be connected to a voltage higher than VCC, if desired.

The parts are highly reliable with accurate voltage references and immunity to fast, negative-going transients on VCC. Low current consumption and space-efficient, 4-lead SC70 packaging make the ADM6711/ADM6713 ideal for use in low power portable applications.

产品应用领域 Applications
ADM6713TAKS-REEL7 功能框图

ADM6713 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 引脚 温度范围
ADM6713LAKS-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713LAKSZ-REEL 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713LAKSZ-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713MAKS-REEL 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713MAKS-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713MAKSZ-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713RAKS-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713RAKSZ-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713SAKS-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713SAKSZ-REEL 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713SAKSZ-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713TAKS-REEL 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713TAKS-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713TAKSZ-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713ZAKS-REEL 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713ZAKS-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713ZAKSZ-REEL 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713ZAKSZ-REEL7 量产 4 ld SC70 4 工业
ADM6713TAKS-REEL7 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. ADM6713 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . pdf
  2. ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . pdf
  3. Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .pdf
  4. 电压监测及序列分析
  5. 40年的模拟领导不为电源管理IC