
Development KitNo
Automotive QualifiedY
Density (Kb)2048
Frequency (MHz)N/A
Max. Operating Temp. (°C)85
Max. Operating VCCQ (V)3.60
Max. Operating Voltage (V)3.60
Min. Operating Temp. (°C)-40
Min. Operating VCCQ (V)2.00
Min. Operating Voltage (V)2.00
Organization (X x Y)128Kb x 16
Part FamilyParallel FRAM
Speed (ns)60
Tape & ReelN
Temp. ClassificationAutomotive(A)
Pricing & Inventory Availability
1-9 unit Price*10-24 unit Price*25-99 unit Price*100-249 unit Price*250-999 unit Price*1000+ unit Price*
QTP 143501: 1Mbit and 2-Mbit Serial (Parallel) Automotive F-RAM 130nm Technology, Texas Instruments DMOS5 Fab (CY15B101N-ZS60XA, CY15B102N-ZS60XA).pdf English , 12/22/2015
QTP 151502: New Package Qualification Of The UTL 16LD 300-MIL SOIC, WITH CUPD, G605, 8200T, PURE SN, AT MSL3, 260C, WITH 1M NVSRAM, S8 Technology from CMI FAB4.pdf English , 12/22/2015