RoHSPB free
Automotive QualifiedN
Density (Mbit)1024
InterfaceDual-Quad SPI
Interface Bandwidth (MBps)160
Interface Frequency (SDR / DDR) (MHz)133 / 80
Max. Operating Temp. (°C)105
Max. Operating Voltage (V)3.60
Min. Operating Temp. (°C)-40
Min. Operating Voltage (V)2.70
Operating Voltage (V)3
Page Access Time (ns)0
Part FamilySerial NOR
Temperature Range (Min C to Max C)-40C to +105C
Pricing & Inventory Availability
1-9 unit Price*10-24 unit Price*25-99 unit Price*100-249 unit Price*250-999 unit Price*1000+ unit Price*
1 Gbit (128 Mbyte) S79FL01GS Dual-Quad SPI NOR Flash Memory Datasheet.pdf English , 04/05/2017