HIP2103: 60V, 1A/2A Peak, Half Bridge Driver with 4V UVLO

The HIP2103 and HIP2104 are half bridge drivers designed for applications using DC motors, three-phase brushless DC motors, or other similar loads.

Two inputs (HI and LI) are provided to independently control the high side driver (HO) and the low side driver (LO). Furthermore, the two inputs can be configured to enable/disable the device, thus lowering the number of connections to a microcontroller and lowering costs.

The very low IDD bias current in the Sleep Mode prevents battery drain when the device is not in use, thus eliminating the need for an external switch to disconnect the driver from the battery.

A fail-safe mechanism is included to improve system reliability and to minimize the possibility of catastrophic bridge failures due to controller malfunction. Internal logic prevents both outputs from turning on simultaneously when HI and LI are both high simultaneously. Dead-time is still required on the rising edge of the HI (or LI) input when the LI (or HI) input transitions low.

Integrated pull-down resistors on all of the inputs (LI, HI, VDen and VCen) reduces the need for external resistors. An active low resistance pull-down on the LO output ensures that the low side bridge FET remains off during the Sleep Mode or when VDD is below the undervoltage lockout (UVLO) threshold.

The HIP2104 has a 12V linear regulator and a 3.3V linear regulator with separate enable pins. The 12V regulator provides internal bias for VDD and the 3.3V regulator provides bias for an external microcontroller (and/or other low voltage ICs), thus eliminating the need for discrete LDOs or DC/DC converters.

The HIP2103 is available in a 3x3mm, 8 Ld TDFN package and the HIP2104 is available in a 4x4mm, 12 Ld DFN package.

Key Features
  • 60V maximum bootstrap supply voltage
  • 5µA sleep mode quiescent current
  • 4V undervoltage lockout
  • 3.3V or 5V CMOS compatible inputs with hysteresis
  • Integrated bootstrap FET (replaces traditional boot strap diode)
  • Half bridge, full bridge and BLDC motor drives
  • UPS and inverters
  • Class-D amplifiers
  • Any switch mode power circuit requiring a half bridge driver
Typical Diagram
Application Notes
TitleTypeUpdatedSizeOther Languages
AN1116: Elantec CMOS applicationsPDF13 Nov 2014231 KB
TitleTypeUpdatedSizeOther Languages
HIP2103, HIP2104 DatasheetPDF04 Sep 2015490 KB
Design Files
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HIP2103-4DEMO1Z Design FilesZIP31 Oct 20141.12 MB
HIP2103DBEVAL1Z Design FilesZIP11 Nov 2014345 KB
HIP2103_4MBEVAL1Z Design FilesZIP23 Jan 20151.39 MB
HIP2103-4DEMO2Z Design FilesZIP----589 KB
User Guides
TitleTypeUpdatedSizeOther Languages
HIP2103-4DEMO2Z User GuidePDF20 Feb 2015627 KB
HIP2103_4MBEVAL1Z User GuidePDF08 Dec 20141.09 MB
HIP2103-4DEMO1Z User GuidePDF13 Nov 20141.33 MB
White Papers
TitleTypeUpdatedSizeOther Languages
Five Easy Steps to Create a Multi-Load Power SolutionPDF30 Jan 2017502 KB
How Green is Your Cloud?PDF05 May 2015275 KB
Integrating BLDC Motors with Li-ion Batteries in Motor Drive ApplicationsPDF24 Mar 2015199 KB简体中文
Order Information
Part NumberPackage TypeWeight(g)PinsMSL RatingPeak Temp (°C)RoHS Status
HIP2103FRTAAZ8 Ld DFN0.02283260RoHS
HIP2103FRTAAZ-T8 Ld DFN T+R0.02283260RoHS
HIP2103FRTAAZ-T7A8 Ld DFN T+R0.02283260RoHS
HIP2103, HIP2104 Datasheet 04 Sep 2015
AN1116: Elantec CMOS applications 13 Nov 2014
HIP2103_4MBEVAL1Z User Guide 08 Dec 2014
HIP2103-4DEMO1Z User Guide 13 Nov 2014
Integrating BLDC Motors with Li-ion Batteries in Motor Drive Applications 24 Mar 2015
Integrating BLDC Motors with Li-ion Batteries in Motor Drive Applications 24 Mar 2015
HIP2103-4DEMO1Z Design Files 31 Oct 2014
HIP2103-4DEMO2Z User Guide 20 Feb 2015
HIP2103-4DEMO2Z Design Files ----
HIP2103_4MBEVAL1Z Design Files 23 Jan 2015
HIP2103_4MBEVAL1Z Design Files HIP2104
HIP2103DBEVAL1Z Design Files 11 Nov 2014
How Green is Your Cloud? 05 May 2015
8 Ld DFN T+R ISL43L122
Five Easy Steps to Create a Multi-Load Power Solution 30 Jan 2017