
MAX14523AHigh Accuracy 250mA to 1.5A Adjustable Current Limit Switch20090814
MAX14523ALHigh Accuracy 250mA to 1.5A Adjustable Current Limit Switch20090814
MAX14523BHigh Accuracy 250mA to 1.5A Adjustable Current Limit Switch20090814
MAX14523CHigh Accuracy 250mA to 1.5A Adjustable Current Limit Switch20090814
MAX14525Battery Switch with Four Enable Inputs20081120
MAX1454428V Capable Current-Limit VBUS Accessory Switch20100119
MAX1454528V Capable Current-Limit VBUS Accessory Switch20100119
MAX14575A250mA to 2.5A Adjustable Current-Limit Switches with Active-High EN Autoretry Response20121023
MAX14575AL250mA to 2.5A Adjustable Current-Limit Switches with Active-Low EN Autoretry Response20121023
MAX14575B250mA to 2.5A Adjustable Current-Limit Switches with Active-High EN Latch-Off Response20121023
MAX14575C250mA to 2.5A Adjustable Current-Limit Switches with Active-High EN Continuous Limiting20121023
MAX146264mA to 20mA Current Loop Protector20120417
MAX1558Dual USB Switch with Fault Blanking and Auto-Reset20040727
MAX1558HDual USB Switch with Fault Blanking and Auto-Reset20040727
MAX1562Programmable 4A USB Current-Limited Switches with Auto-Reset and Fault Blanking20030812
MAX1562HProgrammable 4A USB Current-Limited Switches with Auto-Reset and Fault Blanking20030812
MAX1563Programmable 4A USB Current-Limited Switches with Auto-Reset and Fault Blanking20030812
MAX1564Triple 1.2A USB Switch in 4mm x 4mm Thin QFN20041122
MAX1607USB Current-Limited Switch w/ Fault Blanking and Pin-Compatible Package19990915
MAX16919Automotive 500mA - 3A High Speed USB 2.0 Protector with Host Charging Port Detection20120103
MAX1693USB Current-Limited Switches w/ Thermal Shutdown and Fault Blanking19990715
MAX1693HUSB Current-Limited Switches w/ Thermal Shutdown and Fault Blanking19990715
MAX1694USB Current-Limited Switches w/ Thermal Shutdown and Fault Blanking19990715
MAX16946Remote Antenna Current-Sense and LDO/Switches20101206
MAX16948Automotive Dual Remote Antenna Current-Sense LDO/Switch20110928
MAX16969Automotive 500mA - 3A High Speed USB 2.0 Protector with iPod/iPhone Rapid Charging20120103
MAX1812Dual USB Switch with Fault Blanking20001101
MAX1823ADual USB Switch with Fault Blanking and Auto-Reset20010103
MAX1823BDual USB Switch with Fault Blanking and Auto-Reset20010103
MAX1838Dual USB Switch with Auxilliary Input20010601
MAX19221A Current-Limited Switch for Two USB Ports20011223
MAX1930Current-Limited Switch for Two USB Ports20020508
MAX1931Current-Limited Switch for Single USB Port20020508
MAX1940Triple USB Switch with Auto-Reset and Fault Blanking20020823
MAX1946Single USB Switch with Fault Blanking and Auto-Reset in Tiny QFN20020819
MAX4772Selectable Current-Limit Switch20030814
MAX4773Selectable Current-Limit Switch with Auto-Retry20030814
MAX4785Current-Limit Switch20020924
MAX4786Current-Limit Switch20020924
MAX4787Current-Limit Switch20020924
MAX4788Current-Limit Switch20020924
MAX4789Current-Limit Switch20021122
MAX4790Current-Limit Switch20021122
MAX4791Current-Limit Switch20021122
MAX4793Current-Limit Switch20021122
MAX4794Current-Limit Switch20021122
MAX4795Current-Limit Switch20030813
MAX4796Current-Limit Switch with Auto-Retry20030813
MAX4798Current-Limit Switch with Auto-Retry20030813
MAX482650mA Current-Limit Switch with NO-LOAD Flag20050531
MAX4829100mA Current-Limit Switch with NO-LOAD Flag20050531
MAX483050mA Current-Limit Switch with NO-LOAD Flag20050531
MAX483150mA Current-Limit Switch with NO-LOAD Flag20050531
MAX4835LDO Linear Regulator with Current Limit Switch20040804
MAX4836LDO Linear Regulator with Current Limit Switch20040804
MAX4837LDO Linear Regulator with Current Limit Switch20040804
MAX4914BCurrent-Limit Switch with Low Reverse Leakage Current20060522
MAX4915ACurrent-Limit Switch with Low Reverse Leakage Current20060522
MAX4915BCurrent-Limit Switch with Low Reverse Leakage Current20060522
MAX4917ACurrent-Limit Switch with Low Reverse Leakage Current20060522
MAX4917BCurrent-Limit Switch with Low Reverse Leakage Current20060522
MAX4995AProgrammable Current-Limit Switch20081120
MAX4995AFProgrammable Current-Limit Switch with Fast Short-Circuit Response20081120
MAX4995ALProgrammable Current-Limit Switch20081120
MAX4995BProgrammable Current-Limit Switch20081120
MAX4995CProgrammable Current-Limit Switch20081120
MAX8586Single 1.2A USB Switch in 3mm x 3mm TDFN20041109
MAX869L2A Current-Limited High-Side P-Channel Switch19970801
MAX890L1A Current-Limited High-Side P-Channel Switch19960923
MAX891LCurrent-Limited 0.12ohm High-Side P-Channel Switch19970407
MAX892LCurrent-Limited 0.25ohm High-Side P-Channel Switch19970407
MAX893L1.2A Current-Limited High-Side P-Channel Switch19990701
MAX894LDual Current-Limited High-Side P-Channel Switch19961001
MAX895LDual Current-Limited High-Side P-Channel Switch19961001