
dsPIC33F Motor Control Digital Signal Controller with seamless migration options to/from PIC24F, PIC24H MCUs & dsPIC30F DSC

  • Up to 40 MIPS operation (at 3.0-3.6V)
  • Industrial temperature range (-40°C to +85°C)
  • Extended temperature range (-40°C to +125°C)
  • High temperature range (-40°C to +150°C)
  • Modified Harvard architecture
  • C compiler optimized instruction set
  • 16-bit wide data path
  • 24-bit wide instructions
  • Linear program memory addressing up to 4M instruction words
  • Linear data memory addressing up to 64 Kbytes
  • 83 base instructions: mostly 1 word/1 cycle
  • Sixteen 16-bit General Purpose Registers
  • Two 40-bit accumulators: With rounding and saturation options
  • With rounding and saturation options
  • Flexible and powerful addressing modes: Indirect, Modulo and Bit-Reversed
  • Indirect, Modulo and Bit-Reversed
  • Software stack
  • 16 x 16 fractional/integer multiply operations
  • 32/16 and 16/16 divide operations
  • Single-cycle multiply and accumulate: Accumulator write back for DSP operations Dual data fetch
  • Accumulator write back for DSP operations
  • Dual data fetch
  • Up to ±16-bit shifts for up to 40-bit data
  • 8-channel hardware DMA
  • 2 Kbytes dual ported DMA buffer area (DMA RAM) to store data transferred via DMA: Allows data transfer between RAM and a peripheral while CPU is executing code (no cycle stealing)
  • Allows data transfer between RAM and a peripheral while CPU is executing code (no cycle stealing)
  • Most peripherals support DMA
  • 5-cycle latency
  • 118 interrupt vectors
  • Up to 67 available interrupt sources
  • Up to 5 external interrupts
  • 7 programmable priority levels
  • 5 processor exceptions
  • Wake-up/Interrupt-on-Change on up to 24 pins
  • Output pins can drive from 3.0V to 3.6V
  • All digital input pins are 5V tolerant
  • 4 mA sink on all I/O pins
  • Flexible clock options: External, crystal, resonator, internal RC Fully integrated PLL Extremely low jitter PLL
  • External, crystal, resonator, internal RC
  • Fully integrated PLL
  • Extremely low jitter PLL
  • Power-up Timer
  • Oscillator Start-up Timer/Stabilizer
  • Watchdog Timer with its own RC oscillator
  • Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
  • Reset by multiple sources
  • On-chip 2.5V voltage regulator
  • Switch between clock sources in real time
  • Idle, Sleep and Doze modes with fast wake-up
  • Timer/Counters, up to nine 16-bit timers: Can pair up to make four 32-bit timers 1 timer runs as Real-Time Clock with external 32.768 kHz oscillator Programmable prescaler
  • Can pair up to make four 32-bit timers
  • 1 timer runs as Real-Time Clock with external 32.768 kHz oscillator
  • Programmable prescaler
  • Input Capture (up to 8 channels): Capture on up, down or both edges 16-bit capture input functions 4-deep FIFO on each capture
  • Capture on up, down or both edges
  • 16-bit capture input functions
  • 4-deep FIFO on each capture
  • Output Compare (up to 8 channels): Single or Dual 16-Bit Compare mode 16-bit Glitchless PWM mode
  • Single or Dual 16-Bit Compare mode
  • 16-bit Glitchless PWM mode
  • 3-wire SPI (up to 2 modules): Framing supports I/O interface to simple codecs Supports 8-bit and 16-bit data Supports all serial clock formats and sampling modes
  • Framing supports I/O interface to simple codecs
  • Supports 8-bit and 16-bit data
  • Supports all serial clock formats and sampling modes
  • I2C™ (up to 2 modules): Full Multi-Master Slave mode support 7-bit and 10-bit addressing Bus collision detection and arbitration Integrated signal conditioning Slave address masking
  • Full Multi-Master Slave mode support
  • 7-bit and 10-bit addressing
  • Bus collision detection and arbitration
  • Integrated signal conditioning
  • Slave address masking
  • UART (up to 2 modules): Interrupt on address bit detect Interrupt on UART error Wake-up on Start bit from Sleep mode 4-character TX and RX FIFO buffers LIN bus support IrDA® encoding and decoding in hardware High-Speed Baud mode Hardware Flow Control with CTS and RTS
  • Interrupt on address bit detect
  • Interrupt on UART error
  • Wake-up on Start bit from Sleep mode
  • 4-character TX and RX FIFO buffers
  • LIN bus support
  • IrDA® encoding and decoding in hardware
  • High-Speed Baud mode
  • Hardware Flow Control with CTS and RTS
  • Enhanced CAN (ECAN™ module) 2.0B active (up to 2 modules): Up to 8 transmit and up to 32 receive buffers 16 receive filters and 3 masks Loopback, Listen Only and Listen All Messages modes for diagnostics and bus monitoring Wake-up on CAN message Automatic processing of Remote Transmission Requests FIFO mode using DMA DeviceNet™ addressing support
  • Up to 8 transmit and up to 32 receive buffers
  • 16 receive filters and 3 masks
  • Loopback, Listen Only and Listen All Messages modes for diagnostics and bus monitoring
  • Wake-up on CAN message
  • Automatic processing of Remote Transmission Requests
  • FIFO mode using DMA
  • DeviceNet™ addressing support
  • Motor Control PWM (up to 8 channels): 4 duty cycle generators Independent or Complementary mode Programmable dead time and output polarity Edge or center-aligned Manual output override control Up to 2 Fault inputs Trigger for ADC conversions PWM frequency for 16-bit resolution (@ 40 MIPS) = 1220 Hz for Edge-Aligned mode, 610 Hz for Center-Aligned mode PWM frequency for 11-bit resolution (@ 40 MIPS) = 39.1 kHz for Edge-Aligned mode, 19.55 kHz for Center-Aligned mode
  • 4 duty cycle generators
  • Independent or Complementary mode
  • Programmable dead time and output polarity
  • Edge or center-aligned
  • Manual output override control
  • Up to 2 Fault inputs
  • Trigger for ADC conversions
  • PWM frequency for 16-bit resolution (@ 40 MIPS) = 1220 Hz for Edge-Aligned mode, 610 Hz for Center-Aligned mode
  • PWM frequency for 11-bit resolution (@ 40 MIPS) = 39.1 kHz for Edge-Aligned mode, 19.55 kHz for Center-Aligned mode
  • Quadrature Encoder Interface module: Phase A, Phase B and index pulse input 16-bit up/down position counter Count direction status Position Measurement (x2 and x4) mode Programmable digital noise filters on inputs Alternate 16-bit Timer/Counter mode Interrupt on position counter rollover/underflow
  • Phase A, Phase B and index pulse input
  • 16-bit up/down position counter
  • Count direction status
  • Position Measurement (x2 and x4) mode
  • Programmable digital noise filters on inputs
  • Alternate 16-bit Timer/Counter mode
  • Interrupt on position counter rollover/underflow
  • Up to two ADC modules in a device
  • 10-bit, 1.1 Msps or 12-bit, 500 Ksps conversion:
Parameter Name Value Value
Architecture 16-bit 16-bit
CPU Speed (MIPS) 40 40
Memory Type Flash Flash
Program Memory (KB) 128 128
RAM Bytes 16,384 16,384
Temperature Range C -40 to 150 -40 to 150
Operating Voltage Range (V) 3 to 3.6 3 to 3.6
I/O Pins 85 85
Pin Count 100 100
System Management Features BOR BOR
POR Yes Yes
WDT Yes Yes
nanoWatt Features Fast Wake/ Fast Wake/
Digital Communication Peripherals 2-UART2-SPI2-I2C 2-UART2-SPI2-I2C
Analog Peripherals 2-A/D 24x12-bit @ 500(ksps) 2-A/D 24x12-bit @ 500(ksps)
USB (ch, speed, compliance) 0, None, 0, None,
CAN (#, type) 2 CAN 2 CAN
Capture/Compare/PWM Peripherals 8/8 8/8
PWM Resolution bits 16 16
Motor Control PWM Channels 8 8
Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) 1 1
Timers 9 x 16-bit 4 x 32-bit 9 x 16-bit 4 x 32-bit
Parallel Port GPIO GPIO
DMA 8 8
Cap Touch Channels 24 24
dsPIC33FJXXXMCX06A/X08A/X10A Data SheetData Sheets06/11/20122880KB
dsPIC33FJ64MCX06A/X08A/X10A and dsPIC33FJ128MCX06A/X08A/X10A Family Silicon ErraErrata11/21/2011349KB
dsPIC30F to dsPIC33F Conversion GuidelinesMigration Documents01/13/2006185KB
16-bit MCU and DSC Programmer's Reference ManualProgramming Specification02/25/201310777KB
dsPIC33F/PIC24H Flash Programming SpecificationProgramming Specification10/19/20101322KB
AN1017 - Sinusoidal Control of PMSM Motors with dsPIC30F / dsPIC33F/ dsPIC33E DSCAppNote06/27/2011313KB
AN1044 - Data Encryption Routines for PIC24 and dsPIC DevicesAppNote03/01/2013347KB
AN1045 - File I/O Functions Using Microchip's Memory Disk Drive File System LibraryAppNote05/02/2014350KB
AN1069 - Using C30 Compiler and the SPI module to Interface EEPROMs with dsPIC33F and PIC24FAppNote11/27/2007370KB
AN1071 - IrDA Standard Stack for Microchip 16-Bit and 32-bit MCUsAppNote12/07/2010716KB
AN1078 - Sensorless Field Oriented Control of a PMSMAppNote04/04/2010474KB
AN1079 - Using the C30 Compiler and the I2C? Peripheral to Interface Serial EEPROMs with dsPIC33FAppNote03/16/2007515KB
AN1094 - Bootloader for dsPIC30F/33F and PIC24F/24H DevicesAppNote05/18/2007413KB
AN1095 - AN1095, Emulating Data EEPROM for PIC18 and PIC24 MCUs and dsPIC DSCsAppNote06/27/2011427KB
AN1096 - Using the C30 Compiler to Interface SPI Serial EEPROMs with dsPIC33AppNote11/08/2007367KB
AN1100 - Using the C30 Compiler to Interface Serial EEPROMs with dsPIC33FAppNote06/28/2007416KB
AN1106 - AN1106, Power Factor Correction in Power Conversion Applications Using the dsPIC® DSCAppNote11/13/20071021KB
AN1115 - Implementing Digital Lock-In Amplifiers Using the dsPIC DSCAppNote10/19/2007392KB
AN1152 - Achieving Higher ADC Resolution Using OversamplingAppNote01/22/2008337KB
AN1160 - Sensorless BLDC Control with Back-EMF Filtering Using a Majority FunctionAppNote11/10/2012693KB
AN1162 - Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM)AppNote07/03/2012766KB
AN1206 - Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) Using Field WeakeningAppNote06/13/2008264KB
AN1208 - Integrated Power Factor Correction (PFC) and Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) SystemAppNote06/17/2008771KB
AN1210 - Using External Memory with PIC24F/24H/dsPIC33F DevicesAppNote07/15/2008240KB
AN1227 - Using a Keyboard with the Microchip Graphics LibraryAppNote03/28/2010150KB
AN1229 - Class B Safety Software Library for PIC MCUs and dsPIC DSCsAppNote04/24/2012439KB
AN1236 - Using C30 and a Timer to Interface dsPIC33 DSCs and PIC24 MCUs with UNI/O(R) Bus-Compatible Serial EEPROMsAppNote10/30/2008264KB
AN1249 - ECAN Operation with DMA on dsPIC33F and PIC24H DevicesAppNote02/13/2009460KB
AN1292 - Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM)Using a PLL Estimator and Field Weakening (FW)AppNote06/30/2011440KB
AN1299 - Single-Shunt Three-Phase Current Reconstruction Algorithm for Sensorless FOC of a PMSMAppNote11/18/2009913KB
AN1307 - Stepper Motor Control with dsPIC DSCsAppNote10/07/2011310KB
AN699 - Anti-Aliasing, Analog Filters for Data Acquisition SystemsAppNote07/26/1999171KB
AN887 - AC Induction Motor FundamentalsAppNote12/18/2003427KB
AN901 - Using the dsPIC30F for Sensorless BLDC ControlAppNote06/06/2011940KB
AN908 - Using the dsPIC30F / dsPIC33F for Vector Control of an ACIMAppNote12/06/20071765KB
AN957 - Sensored BLDC Motor Control Using dsPIC30F2010AppNote06/23/2005869KB
AN984 - An Introduction to AC Induction Motor Control Using the dsPIC30F / dsPIC33F DSCAppNote06/27/2005338KB
AN992 - Sensorless BLDC Motor Control Using dsPIC30F2010AppNote06/06/20111027KB
TB3008, PLL Jitter and its Effects on ECAN Technology ProtocolTech Briefs10/29/2007298KB
16-bit Embedded Control Solutions BrochureBrochures06/29/20157978KB
Electronic Solutions for Medical and FitnessBrochures09/10/201410216KB
Motor Control and Drive BrochureBrochures07/19/20168104KB
MPLAB® X IDE Product OverviewSell Sheets07/11/2011182KB
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, I2CReference Manual03/18/2014668KB
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, Output CompareReference Manual03/13/2014322KB
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)Reference Manual05/28/2014281KB
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, UARTReference Manual03/14/2014467KB
Section 01. Introduction - dsPIC33F FRMReference Manual01/03/2014286KB
Section 02. CPU - dsPIC33F FRMReference Manual01/03/2014664KB
Section 03. Data Memory - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/06/2014227KB
Section 04. Program Memory - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/06/2014332KB
Section 05. Flash Programming - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/2014348KB
Section 06. Interrupts - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/2014953KB
Section 07. Oscillator - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/2014556KB
Section 08. Reset - dsPIC33F FRMReference Manual01/06/2014146KB
Section 09. Watchdog Timer and Power-Saving Modes - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/2014356KB
Section 10. I/O Ports - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/2014321KB
Section 11. Timers - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/2014446KB
Section 12. Input Capture - dsPIC33F FRMReference Manual01/03/2014211KB
Section 14. Motor Control PWM - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/2014630KB
Section 15. Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) - dsPIC33F FRMReference Manual01/03/2014320KB
Section 16. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/20141417KB
Section 21. Enhanced Controller Area Network (ECAN) - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/20141088KB
Section 22. Direct Memory Access (DMA) - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/2014749KB
Section 23. CodeGuard Security - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/20141032KB
Section 24. Programming and Diagnostics - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/03/2014392KB
Section 25. Device Configuration - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRMReference Manual01/06/2014132KB
Section 26. Development Tool Support - dsPIC33F FRMReference Manual01/06/2014130KB
Program Executive RIPE_01a_000033Software12/08/20143KB
dsPIC Acoustic Echo Cancellation LibrarySoftware07/22/20113765KB
dsPIC DSC Noise Suppression LibrarySoftware07/22/20114417KB
dsPICDEM MCSM Development Board Demonstration SoftwareSoftware10/27/20091072KB
dsPIC33FJ128GP706 BSDL fileBoundaryScanBSDL03/16/200915KB
dsPIC33FJ128MC710 BSDL fileBoundaryScanBSDL03/16/200921KB
CE100 - Using A/D Converters and DSP Library for Signal FilteringCode Examples08/17/2009425KB
CE101 - Configuring 10-bit A/D Converters for 1MSPS Conversion RateCode Examples09/12/201126KB
CE102 - Performing A/D Conversions in SLEEP (Low-Power) ModeCode Examples08/17/200920KB
CE103 - Implementing DOZE Mode for Dynamic CPU Power ControlCode Examples12/10/200933KB
CE104 - Dynamic Clock Switching for Low Power OperationCode Examples08/17/200916KB
CE105 - Address Error Traps for Easy DebuggingCode Examples08/17/200913KB
CE106 - Math Error Traps for Robust OperationCode Examples12/10/200931KB
CE107 - Stack Error Traps for Easy DebuggingCode Examples08/17/200915KB
CE108 - Oscillator Failure Traps and Failsafe Clock MonitoringCode Examples08/17/200916KB
CE109 - Run-Time Self Programming of FLASH Program MemoryCode Examples08/17/200920KB
CE110 - Dynamic Tuning of Internal Fast RCCode Examples08/17/200917KB
CE111 - External Interrupt Pins Configuration and UseCode Examples08/17/200918KB
CE112 - Fast Wake-up From Sleep ModeCode Examples08/17/200911KB
CE113 - Timer1 used in Real-Time Clock ApplicationsCode Examples08/17/200933KB
CE114 - Using the DMA with the UART in Loopback modeCode Examples08/17/200914KB
CE115 - Example of Handling a DMA TrapCode Examples12/10/200937KB
CE116 - Using the DMA with the SPI moduleCode Examples08/17/200919KB
CE117 - Using the DMA with DCI peripheral for I2S driverCode Examples09/12/201123KB
CE118 - Using FIR Filters From dsPIC Filter Design and DSP LibraryCode Examples08/17/200918KB
CE119 Interfacing to I2C Serial EEPROM using I2C peripheralCode Examples08/17/200917KB
CE120 A/D Conversions with Scanning through selected Analog Inputs with DMACode Examples08/17/200925KB
CE121 A/D Conversions with Scanning through selected Analog Inputs without DMACode Examples08/17/200921KB
CE122 - ADC Alternate SamplingCode Examples08/17/200920KB
CE123 - CodeGuard(TM) Security: segment creation and code placementCode Examples09/15/200929KB
CE124 - CodeGuard(TM) Security: Program flow changes between segmentsCode Examples09/15/200936KB
CE127 - Crosswire Communication between ECAN 1 and ECAN 2 modulesCode Examples08/17/200945KB
CE128 - ECAN FIFO Receive ExampleCode Examples04/27/200950KB
CE129 - ECAN Remote Transmission RequestCode Examples08/17/200944KB
CE132 - Si3000 DriverCode Examples12/10/200934KB
CE135 - SPI DemoCode Examples08/17/200920KB
CE136 - SPI without DMACode Examples08/17/200931KB
CE137 - UART without DMACode Examples08/17/200913KB
CE138 - SPI with two slavesCode Examples12/10/200945KB
CE139 - 10-bit ADC Sampling at 2.2MSPSCode Examples12/10/2009150KB
CE140 - Inverse tangent operation using CORDIC iterative approximationCode Examples12/10/200943KB
CE141 - SPI with Framed modeCode Examples12/10/200946KB
CE142 - Open Drain configurationCode Examples12/10/200942KB
CE143 - Using Timer1 for Period InterruptsCode Examples08/17/200955KB
CE145 - Using I2C module as a Slave deviceCode Examples12/10/200932KB
CE146 - Adaptive Notch FilterCode Examples12/10/200937KB
CE147 - Signal Matching using Coherence Function Cross Spectral DensityCode Examples12/10/200974KB
CE148 - ADC Sampling with DMA and FIR Filtering - Apps include Circuit BreakersCode Examples08/17/200956KB
CE149 - Signal generation, fractional sampling rate, interpolation, decimationCode Examples08/17/200931KB
CE150 - JPEG Entropy CodingCode Examples08/17/200916KB
CE151 - CRC GenerationCode Examples12/10/200924KB
CE152 - Parallel Master Port (PMP) ExampleCode Examples12/10/200934KB
CE153 - RTCCCode Examples08/17/200912KB
CE154 - ADC to DAC LoopbackCode Examples10/24/201349KB
CE155 - Real-Time Data Monitoring (RTDM) ExampleCode Examples12/10/20091223KB
16-bit CPU Self-test LibrarySoftware Library06/20/2015
dsPIC DSC DTMF Generation/Detection LibrariesSoftware Library08/12/200833KB
dsPIC FSK Generation LibrarySoftware Library12/19/200730KB
Hardware Conditioning of Sensor SignalsWebinars01/27/201057070KB
dsPICDEM MCHV Development System Users GuideApplication Maestro10/13/20092711KB
dsPICDEM MCSM Development Board Users GuideApplication Maestro10/27/20091484KB
CE125 - CodeGuard(TM) Security: Secure Segment ErasedsPIC33F code examples09/13/200726KB
CE144 - CodeGuard Application ExampledsPIC33F code examples09/13/2007327KB
In-Circuit Debugging Interface Options with dsPIC DSCQuick Start Guides09/19/2005110KB
dsPIC® DSC Speech Coding Solutions User's GuideUser Guides04/05/2010977KB
Explorer 16 Development Board User's GuideUser Guides01/09/20141226KB
CodeGuard Security:Protecting Intellectual Property in Collaborative Sys DesignWhitePapers09/28/2006583KB
Part NumberLeadsPackage TypeTemp RangePacking1+26+100+1000+5000+
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-E/PF100TQFP-40C to +125CTRAY8.337.636.916.366.05If you need to obtain an Extended Temp sample you may obtain one via www.microchipdirect.com or by contacting your local sales office
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-E/PT100TQFP-40C to +125CTRAY7.847.196.515.995.70If you need to obtain an Extended Temp sample you may obtain one via www.microchipdirect.com or by contacting your local sales office
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-H/PF100TQFP-40C to +150CTRAY9.899.078.217.567.19For sample purposes the industrial temperature device will offer similar performance to the extended temperature device. Please select the industrial temperature device.
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-H/PT100TQFP-40C to +150CTRAY9.418.637.817.196.84For sample purposes the industrial temperature device will offer similar performance to the extended temperature device. Please select the industrial temperature device.
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-I/PF100TQFP-40C to +85CTRAY7.616.986.325.815.53
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-I/PT100TQFP-40C to +85CTRAY7.136.545.925.455.18
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-E/PF100TQFP-40C to +125CT/R9.208.437.647.036.69Please select the non-tape and reel version of this part
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-E/PT100TQFP-40C to +125CT/R8.237.556.846.305.99Please select the non-tape and reel version of this part
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-H/PF100TQFP-40C to +150CT/R10.129.288.417.737.36Please select the non-tape and reel version of this part
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-H/PT100TQFP-40C to +150CT/R9.498.707.887.256.89Please select the non-tape and reel version of this part
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-I/PF100TQFP-40C to +85CT/R7.667.026.365.855.57Please select the non-tape and reel version of this part
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-I/PT100TQFP-40C to +85CT/R7.186.585.965.485.22Please select the non-tape and reel version of this part
dsPIC33FJ128MC506641288,192$4.10DSP, CAN, HS-PWM
dsPIC33FJ128MC506A641288,192$4.10DSP, CAN, HS-PWM
dsPIC33FJ128MC5101001288,192$4.59DSP, CAN, HS-PWM
dsPIC33FJ128MC510A1001288,192$4.59DSP, CAN, HS-PWM
dsPIC33FJ128MC7066412816,384$4.49DSP, CAN, HS-PWM
dsPIC33FJ128MC706A6412816,384$4.49DSP, CAN, HS-PWM
dsPIC33FJ128MC7088012816,384$5.00DSP, CAN, HS-PWM
dsPIC33FJ128MC708A8012816,384$5.00DSP, CAN, HS-PWM
dsPIC33FJ128MC71010012816,384$5.18DSP, CAN, HS-PWM
dsPIC33FJ128MC710A10012816,384$5.18DSP, CAN, HS-PWM
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-H/PT0.3910001.596639100TQFP12x12x1mmMatte Tine3
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-H/PT0.3910001.333333100TQFP12x12x1mmMatte Tine3
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-E/PT0.3910001.596639100TQFP12x12x1mmMatte Tine3
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-E/PT0.3910001.333333100TQFP12x12x1mmMatte Tine3
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-I/PT0.3910001.596639100TQFP12x12x1mmMatte Tine3
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-I/PT0.3910001.333333100TQFP12x12x1mmMatte Tine3
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-H/PF0.4970002.333333100TQFP14x14x1mmMatte Tine3
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-H/PF0.4970001.199000100TQFP14x14x1mmMatte Tine3
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-I/PF0.4970002.333333100TQFP14x14x1mmMatte Tine3
DSPIC33FJ128MC710A-E/PF0.4970002.333333100TQFP14x14x1mmMatte Tine3
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-E/PF0.4970001.199000100TQFP14x14x1mmMatte Tine3
DSPIC33FJ128MC710AT-I/PF0.4970001.199000100TQFP14x14x1mmMatte Tine3
dsPIC33FJXXXMCX06A/X08A/X10A Data Sheet dsPIC33FJ64MC710A
Motor Control and Drive Brochure dsPIC33EP64MC504
16-bit Embedded Control Solutions Brochure PIC24FJ32GA002
Electronic Solutions for Medical and Fitness 24VL025
AN1079 Source Code 24VL025
AN699 MCP3304
AN887 dsPIC33FJ64MC802
AN908 DM330023-2
AN1017 DM330021-2
AN1045 dsPIC33FJ64MC804
AN1069 25AA02E64
AN1071 PIC24FJ16GA004
AN1078 DM330021-2
AN1079 24VL025
AN1094 dsPIC33FJ32GP204
AN1095 PIC24FJ32GA002
AN1096 25AA02E64
AN1100 24VL025
AN1106 dsPIC33FJ64MC508A
AN1115 dsPIC33FJ12GP202
AN1160 dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1162 dsPIC33EP64MC202
AN1206 DM330023-2
AN1208 DM330023-2
AN1210 PIC24FJ32GA002
AN1227 dsPIC33FJ12GP202
AN1229 ENC624J600
AN1236 11AA02E64
AN1249 dsPIC33FJ64MC802
AN1292 dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1299 dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1307 DM330022
Explorer 16 Development Board User's Guide DM240001
MPLAB® X IDE Product Overview 24VL025
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, I2C PIC24FJ32GA002
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, Output Compare PIC24FJ32GA002
dsPIC33/PIC24 FRM, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) PIC24FJ32GA002
dsPIC33F/PIC24H Flash Programming Specification dsPIC33FJ32GP204
16-bit MCU and DSC Programmer's Reference Manual PIC24FJ32GA002
dsPIC30F to dsPIC33F Conversion Guidelines dsPIC33FJ64MC710A
CodeGuard Security:Protecting Intellectual Property in Collaborative Sys Design dsPIC33FJ64MC710A
Section 22. Direct Memory Access (DMA) - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ64MC710A
Section 16. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 06. Interrupts - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 21. Enhanced Controller Area Network (ECAN) - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ64MC804
Section 07. Oscillator - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 14. Motor Control PWM - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ64MC804
Section 05. Flash Programming - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 08. Reset - dsPIC33F FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 10. I/O Ports - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 25. Device Configuration - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 09. Watchdog Timer and Power-Saving Modes - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 01. Introduction - dsPIC33F FRM dsPIC33FJ64MC710A
Section 12. Input Capture - dsPIC33F FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 23. CodeGuard Security - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 26. Development Tool Support - dsPIC33F FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 03. Data Memory - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 04. Program Memory - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 02. CPU - dsPIC33F FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 11. Timers - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 24. Programming and Diagnostics - dsPIC33F/PIC24H FRM dsPIC33FJ32GP204
Section 15. Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) - dsPIC33F FRM dsPIC33FJ64MC804
dsPIC® DSC Speech Coding Solutions User's Guide dsPIC33FJ64GP710A
AN1078 Tuning Guide DM330021-2
dsPIC33FJ64MCX06A/X08A/X10A and dsPIC33FJ128MCX06A/X08A/X10A Family Silicon Erra dsPIC33FJ64MC710A
In-Circuit Debugging Interface Options with dsPIC DSC PIC24FJ32GA002
TB3008, PLL Jitter and its Effects on ECAN Technology Protocol dsPIC33FJ32GP204
AN984 dsPIC33FJ64MC804
AN1152 dsPIC33FJ12GP202
AN1017 Source Code for dsPIC30F2010 DM330021-2
AN1017 Source Code for dsPIC30F3010 DM330021-2
AN1017 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ256MC710 DM330021-2
AN1017 Source Code for MCHV-2 using dsPIC33EP256MC506 external OpAmp PIM DM330021-2
AN1017 Source Code for MCLV-2 using dsPIC33EP256MC506 external OpAmp PIM DM330021-2
AN1017 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ32MC204 and dsPICDEM MCLV DM330021-2
AN1017 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ12MC202 DM330021-2
AN1017 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCHV DM330021-2
AN1017 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCLV DM330021-2
AN1044 PIC24FJ16GA002
Using C30 Compiler and the SPI Module to Interface EEPROMs with dsPIC33F 25AA02E64
AN1078 Source Code for dsPIC30F6010A dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1078 Source Code for MCHV-2 using dsPIC33EP256MC506 Internal OpAmp PIM dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1078 Source Code for MCLV-2 using dsPIC33EP256MC506 Internal OpAmp PIM dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1078 Source Code for MCLV-2 using dsPIC33EP256MC506 External OpAmp PIM dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1078 Source Code for DV330100 using dsPIC33EP512GM710 DM330021-2
AN1078 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCHV dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1078 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1078 Source Code for dsPIC33EP64MC504 and dsPICDEM MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1078 Source Code for DV330100 using dsPIC33EV256GM106 DM330021-2
AN1078 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ12MC202 and dsPICDEM MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1078 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ256MC710 and dsPICDEM MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1078 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ32MC204 and dsPICDEM MCHV dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1078 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ32MC204 and dsPICDEM MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC503
Using the C30 Compiler to Interface SPI Serial EEPROMs with dsPIC33F Source Code 25AA02E64
Using the C30 Compiler to Interface Serial EEPROMs with dsPIC33F 24VL025
AN1106 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ12MC202 dsPIC33FJ64MC508A
AN1106 Source Code for dsPIC30F6010A dsPIC33FJ64MC508A
AN1115 Source Code dsPIC33FJ12GP202
AN1152 Source Code dsPIC33FJ12GP202
Legacy dsPIC33F and dsPIC30F AN1160 App Note and Source Code dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1160 Source Code for dsPIC33EP256MC506 using MCHV dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1160 Source Code for dsPIC33EP256MC506 using MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1160 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCHV dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1160 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1160 Source Code for dsPIC33EP64MC504 using MCHV dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1160 Source Code for dsPIC33EP64MC504 using MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1162 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ256MC710 dsPIC33EP64MC202
AN1162 Source Code for dsPIC30F6010A dsPIC33EP64MC202
AN1162 Source Code for MCHV-2 using dsPIC33EP256MC506 External OpAmp PIM dsPIC33EP64MC202
AN1162 Source Code for MCHV-2 using dsPIC33EP256MC506 Internal OpAmp PIM dsPIC33EP64MC202
AN1162 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ32MC204 and dsPICDEM MCHV dsPIC33EP64MC202
AN1162 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCHV dsPIC33EP64MC202
AN1206 Source Code for dsPIC30F6010A DM330023-2
AN1206 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ12MC202 DM330023-2
AN1206 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ256MC710 DM330023-2
AN1208 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ12MC202 DM330023-2
AN1208 Source Code for dsPIC30F6010A DM330023-2
AN1236 Source Code 11AA02E64
AN1249 Source Code dsPIC33FJ64MC802
AN1292 Source Code for MCHV-2 using dsPIC33EP256MC506 External OpAmp PIM dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1292 Source Code for MCLV-2 using dsPIC33EP256MC506 External OpAmp PIM dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1292 Source Code for MCHV-2 using dsPIC33EP256MC506 Internal OpAmp PIM dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1292 Source Code for MCLV-2 using dsPIC33EP256MC506 Internal OpAmp PIM dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1292 Source Code for DV330100 using dsPIC33EP512GM710 dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1292 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCHV dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1292 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1292 Source Code for dsPIC33EP64MC504 and dsPICDEM MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1292 Source Code for DV330100 using dsPIC33EV256GM106 dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1292 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ32MC204 and dsPICDEM MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC504
AN1299 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ32MC204 and dsPICDEM MCHV dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1299 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ32MC204 and dsPICDEM MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1299 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCHV dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1299 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCLV dsPIC33EP64MC503
AN1307 Source Code for dsPIC33EP512MU810 and dsPICDEM MCSM DM330022
AN1307 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ32MC204 and dsPICDEM MCSM DM330022
SWAN0901 Source Code for the dsPIC33FJ256MC710 dsPIC33FJ64MC802
SWAN0901 Source Code for dsPIC 28-pin devices and the PICDEM MCLV Board dsPIC33FJ64MC802
SWAN0901 Source Code dsPIC33FJ64MC802
AN908 Source Code for dsPIC30F6010A DM330023-2
AN908 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ12MC202 DM330023-2
AN957 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ12MC202 DM330023-2
AN957 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ256MC710 DM330023-2
AN957 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ32MC204 and dsPICDEM MCLV DM330023-2
AN984 Source Code for dsPIC30F6010A dsPIC33FJ64MC804
AN984 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ12MC202 dsPIC33FJ64MC804
AN984 Source Code for dsPIC33FJ256MC710 dsPIC33FJ64MC804
AN992 dsPIC33FJ64MC802
AN957 DM330023-2
AN1094 Source Code dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE100 - Using A/D Converters and DSP Library for Signal Filtering dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE101 - Configuring 10-bit A/D Converters for 1MSPS Conversion Rate dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE102 - Performing A/D Conversions in SLEEP (Low-Power) Mode dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE103 - Implementing DOZE Mode for Dynamic CPU Power Control dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE104 - Dynamic Clock Switching for Low Power Operation dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE105 - Address Error Traps for Easy Debugging dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE106 - Math Error Traps for Robust Operation dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE107 - Stack Error Traps for Easy Debugging dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE108 - Oscillator Failure Traps and Failsafe Clock Monitoring dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE109 - Run-Time Self Programming of FLASH Program Memory dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE110 - Dynamic Tuning of Internal Fast RC dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE111 - External Interrupt Pins Configuration and Use dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE112 - Fast Wake-up From Sleep Mode dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE113 - Timer1 used in Real-Time Clock Applications dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE114 - Using the DMA with the UART in Loopback mode dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE115 - Example of Handling a DMA Trap dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE116 - Using the DMA with the SPI module dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE117 - Using the DMA with DCI peripheral for I2S driver dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE118 - Using FIR Filters From dsPIC Filter Design and DSP Library dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE119 Interfacing to I2C Serial EEPROM using I2C peripheral dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE120 A/D Conversions with Scanning through selected Analog Inputs with DMA dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE121 A/D Conversions with Scanning through selected Analog Inputs without DMA dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE122 - ADC Alternate Sampling dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE123 - CodeGuard(TM) Security: segment creation and code placement dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE124 - CodeGuard(TM) Security: Program flow changes between segments dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE125 - CodeGuard(TM) Security: Secure Segment Erase dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE127 - Crosswire Communication between ECAN 1 and ECAN 2 modules dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE128 - ECAN FIFO Receive Example dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE129 - ECAN Remote Transmission Request dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE132 - Si3000 Driver dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE135 - SPI Demo dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE136 - SPI without DMA dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE137 - UART without DMA dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE138 - SPI with two slaves dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE139 - 10-bit ADC Sampling at 2.2MSPS dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE140 - Inverse tangent operation using CORDIC iterative approximation dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE141 - SPI with Framed mode dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE142 - Open Drain configuration dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE143 - Using Timer1 for Period Interrupts dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE144 - CodeGuard Application Example dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE145 - Using I2C module as a Slave device dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE146 - Adaptive Notch Filter dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE147 - Signal Matching using Coherence Function Cross Spectral Density dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE148 - ADC Sampling with DMA and FIR Filtering - Apps include Circuit Breakers dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE149 - Signal generation, fractional sampling rate, interpolation, decimation dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE150 - JPEG Entropy Coding dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE151 - CRC Generation dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE152 - Parallel Master Port (PMP) Example dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE153 - RTCC dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE154 - ADC to DAC Loopback dsPIC33FJ32GP204
CE155 - Real-Time Data Monitoring (RTDM) Example dsPIC33FJ32GP204
DEE Emulation 16-bit v2.2 PIC24FJ32GA002
DEE Emulation 8-bit v1.1.2 PIC24FJ32GA002
dsPICDEM MCHV Development System Users Guide DM330023-2
dsPICDEM MCSM Development Board Demonstration Software dsPIC33FJ12GP202
Dual Motor Control Plug-In Module (PIM) Source Code MA330027
AN1210 Source Code PIC24FJ32GA002
IrDA Standard Stack for Microchip 16-bit Microcontrollers PIC24FJ16GA004
PIC18F ClassB-2 Library ENC624J600
Program Executive RIPE_01a_000033 dsPIC33FJ64MC710A
AN901 dsPIC33FJ64MC802
IrDA Standard Stack for Microchip 32-bit Microcontrollers PIC24FJ16GA004
AN957 Source Code for dsPIC30F2010 DM330023-2
SWAN0992 Source Code dsPIC33FJ64MC804