The LM217L/LM317L are monolithic integrated circuits in SO-8 and TO-92 packages intended for use as positive adjustable voltage regulators. They are designed to supply up to 100 mA of load current with an output voltage adjustable over a 1.2 to 37 V range.The nominal output voltage is selected by means of only a resistive divider, making the device exceptionally easy to use and eliminating the stocking of many fixed regulators.
Key Features
Description | Version | Size |
DS0447: Low current 1.2 to 37 V adjustable voltage regulators | 7.0 | 662 KB |
型号 | Package | Packing Type | Operating Temperature (°C) (min) | Operating Temperature (°C) (max) | Unit Price (US$) * | Quantity | ECCN (EU) | ECCN (US) | Country of Origin |
LM317LD13TR | SO-8 | Tape And Reel | 0 | 125 | 0.091 | 1000 | NEC | EAR99 | CHINA |
LM317LZ-TR | TO-92 | Tape And Reel | 0 | 125 | 0.101 | 1000 | NEC | EAR99 | CHINA |
LM317LZ | TO-92 | Poly Bag | 0 | 125 | 0.067 | 1000 | NEC | EAR99 | CHINA |
LM317LZ-AP | TO-92 | Tape And Reel | 0 | 125 | 0.149 | 1000 | NEC | EAR99 | CHINA |
型号 | Package | Grade | RoHS Compliance Grade | Material Declaration** |
LM317LD13TR | SO-8 | Industrial | Ecopack2 | md_o7-wspc-so-wspc-08-wspc-.15-wspc-jedec_pzo7-wspc-la17ab6_vers2_sdm_signed.pdf md_o7-wspc-so-wspc-08-wspc-.15-wspc-jedec_pzo7-wspc-la17ab6_vers2.xml |
LM317LZ-TR | TO-92 | Industrial | Ecopack2 | md_sx-wspc-to-wspc-92_rwsxla17ab6-wspc-(lm317lz)-wspc-wcp-wspc-ver2_signed.pdf md_sx-wspc-to-wspc-92_rwsxla17ab6-wspc-(lm317lz)-wspc-wcp-wspc-ver2.xml |
LM317LZ | TO-92 | Industrial | Ecopack2 | md_sx-wspc-to-wspc-92_rwsxla17ab6-wspc-(lm317lz)-wspc-wcp-wspc-ver2_signed.pdf md_sx-wspc-to-wspc-92_rwsxla17ab6-wspc-(lm317lz)-wspc-wcp-wspc-ver2.xml |
LM317LZ-AP | TO-92 | Industrial | Ecopack2 | md_sx-wspc-to-wspc-92_rwsxla17ab6-wspc-(lm317lz)-wspc-wcp-wspc-ver2_signed.pdf md_sx-wspc-to-wspc-92_rwsxla17ab6-wspc-(lm317lz)-wspc-wcp-wspc-ver2.xml |