OSXBLUEVOICE:Voice-over-Bluetooth Low Energy vendor-specific profile library for STM32 and BlueNRG

The OSXBLUEVOICE library implements a BlueVoice vendor-specific profile based
on the Bluetooth 4.0 specification and designed for systems adopting
the BlueNRG/BlueNRG-MS Bluetooth low energy network processor, digital
MEMS microphones and the STM32 MCU.
The OSXBLUEVOICE library (under OPEN.Audio license) is implemented in the
BLUEVOICELINK1 sample application; BLUEVOICELINK1 is part of the
OPEN.Framework program while OSXBLUEVOICE is part of the OPEN.Audio
program available for free source code download. The OSXBLUEVOICE
library is also part of the BLUEMICROSYSTEM2 sample application that
can stream audio from the ST platform to the BlueMS app, available for
Android™ or iOS™..
Key Features
- Half-duplex or simplex voice over Bluetooth low energy communication profile.
- Based on the very low power Bluetooth low energy (BlueNRG/BlueNRG-MS) single-mode network processor, compliant with Bluetooth specifications core 4.0.
- Designed for optimal performance in applications using digital MEMS microphones (e.g., MP34DT01-M).
- Digital audio signal processing.
- Easy portability across different STM32 MCU families thanks to modular architecture and STM32Cube
- Free user-friendly license terms
- BLUEVOICELINK1 sample implementation available on X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1/X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 and X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1 connected to a NUCLEO-F401RE, NUCLEO-L476RG or NUCLEO-L053R8 board
- BLUEMICROSYSTEM2 sample implementation available on STEVAL-STLKT01V1 or X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1, X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 and X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1/X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 boards connected to a NUCLEO-F401RE or NUCLEO-L476RG board
STM32 Open Development Environment
型号 | 制造商 | Description |
X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1 | ST | Digital MEMS microphones expansion board based on MP34DT01-M for STM32 Nucleo. |
X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 | ST | Bluetooth low energy expansion board based on BlueNRG for STM32 Nucleo |
型号 | Software Version | Supplier |