X-CUBE-TIMCOOKER:Applicative examples for STM32 general-purpose timers, STM32Cube embedded software expansion (AN4776)

The X-CUBE-TIMCOOKER embedded software package is a software expansion of the STM32Cube embedded software libraries.

It is intended to provide application use cases for the general-purpose-timer peripherals embedded in the STM32 microcontrollers. The embedded software examples provided by the X-CUBE-TIMCOOKER package, complement the set of examples already provided by the STM32CubeHAL library for the STM32 timer peripherals. The main difference between the examples provided by the X-CUBE-TIMCOOKER package and those provided by the STM32CubeHAL library, is that the former examples are application-oriented, while the latter are timer-feature oriented.

For most of the provided application examples, more than one timer feature is used to carry on a well-defined application usage. But each example also puts more focus on a particular feature of the STM32 general-purpose-timer peripherals.

Key Features

  • Five application examples covering most of the features of the STM32 general-purpose-timer peripherals:
    • Timer clocking using an external clock source
    • N-pulse waveform generation using OnePulse mode
    • Cycle-by-Cycle regulation using Break input
    • Break input versus OCxRef Clear utilization
    • Arbitrary waveform generation using timer DMA burst feature
  • Well-commented source code, facilitating the understanding of the used-timer-peripheral configuration steps
  • Source-code template generated by the STM32CubeMX software tool
  • Snippet-like structure of the source code to facilitate its reuse
  • Tailored to run readily on the NUCLEO-F302R8 boards populated with an STM32F302 microcontroller
  • Easily portable to other STM32 microcontroller families (the template project is generated by the STM32CubeMX tool)
  • Easily portable to other hardware environments provided by the STM32 ecosystem
  • Free, user-friendly license terms
DB2982: Application examples for the STM32 general-purpose timers, embedded software expansion for STM32Cube1.0117 KB
STM32 Open Development Environment Brochure15.104 MB
SLA0048: Mix Liberty + OSS + 3rd- party V1 - SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT2.18112 KB
型号Software VersionSupplier
Getting started with X-CUBE-SPN6, low voltage stepper motor driver software expansion for STM32Cube X-CUBE-SPN6
Application examples for the STM32 general-purpose timers, embedded software expansion for STM32Cube X-CUBE-TIMCOOKER
Mix Liberty + OSS + 3rd- party V1 - SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT STSW-STM32019