
Interface Type:I2C (PWM)
Number of Strings:16
Max Current per String:100mA
LEDs per String:10
Max String Match:3.0%
String Current Global:8 bits + R
String PWM Global:8 bits
String PWM per String:12 bits
String Phasing:12 bits
External VSYNC:Yes

The MSL3163 compact, high-power LED string driver uses internal current control MOSFETs to sink up to 100mA per string, with current accuracy and matching better than 3%. The MSL3163 drive 16 parallel strings of ten white LEDs each, for a total of 160 white LEDs per device. Sixteen interconnected devices control up to 2560 white LEDs. The MSL3163 features a 1MHz I2C serial interface supporting video frame-by-frame LED string intensity control for up to 16 interconnected devices to allow active area dimming. The devices include an advanced PWM engine that easily synchronizes to a video signal, and per-string phase adjustment to reduce unwanted LCD artifacts such as motion blur. Additionally, an on-chip EEPROM allows the power-up defaults to be customized through the serial interface. The MSL3163 adaptively control the DC-DC converters that power the LED strings, using mSilica's Adaptive SourcePower™ technology. These Efficiency Optimizers minimize power use while maintaining LED current accuracy. A unique combination of peak current control and pulse width management offer simple full screen brightness control, versatile area dimming and a consistent white point. One external resistor provides the global peak reference current for all LED strings, and global peak current fine-tuning is available through an 8-bit register. Global string drive pulse width is adjusted with an 8-bit global intensity register, and individual string pulse width is modulated with 12-bit registers.

DataSheet 数据手册
Brochures and Flyers
MSL3163/3164 Complete (文件大小: 2114323, 20 页数, 修订版 A, 更新时间: 06/2011)
Atmel LED driver technology (2 页数, 修订版 B, 更新时间: 01/2013)