REAL3™ Image Sensor Family

The Infineon REAL3™ Image Sensor family consists of highly integrated and sophisticated 3D Time-of-Flight (ToF) imager. The ToF sensors have been jointly developed by Infineon and pmdtechnologies gmbh. They embed a high performance ToF pixel-matrix from pmd and are manufactured in Infineon’s volume-proven CMOS process which enabled Infineon to integrate the photosensitive area together with mixed signal circuitry into a single chip.

As such the REAL3™ Image Sensor family brings together all ingredients to establish 3D technology in high volume consumer applications: robust and accurate depth data by meeting size and power consumption requirements of mobile devices.

TypePixel ResolutionDescription Package
IRS1125C352 x 288 pixel (100k pixel)single-chip ToF sensor with micro-lenses; full resolutionbare die
IRS1645C224 x 172 pixel (38k pixel)single-chip ToF sensor with micro-lenses; size optimized ASICbare die
IRS1615C160 x 120 pixel (19k pixel)single-chip ToF sensor with micro-lenses; size optimized ASICbare die
Product Brief
Real3 (TM) image sensor family - 3D depth sensing based on Time-of-FlightEN206 KB14 Dec 201501_00
EN real3-image-sensor-family