LTC2209 - 16-Bit, 160Msps ADC

The LTC®2209 is a 160Msps 16-bit A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals with input frequencies up to 700MHz. The input range of the ADC can be optimized with the PGA front end.

The LTC2209 is perfect for demanding communications applications, with AC performance that includes 77.3dBFS Noise Floor and 100dB spurious free dynamic range (SFDR). Ultra low jitter of 70fsRMS allows undersampling of high input frequencies with excellent noise performance. Maximum DC specs include ±5.5LSB INL, ±1LSB DNL (no missing codes).

The digital output can be either differential LVDS or single-ended CMOS. There are two format options for the CMOS outputs: a single bus running at the full data rate or demultiplexed busses running at half data rate. A separate output power supply allows the CMOS output swing to range from 0.5V to 3.6V.

The ENC+ and ENC– inputs may be driven differentially or single-ended with a sine wave, PECL, LVDS, TTL or CMOS inputs. An optional clock duty cycle stabilizer allows high performance at full speed with a wide range of clock duty cycles.

  • Sample Rate: 160Msps
  • 77.3dBFS Noise Floor
  • 100dB SFDR
  • SFDR >84dB at 250MHz (1.5VP-P Input Range)
  • PGA Front End (2.25VP-P or 1.5VP-P Input Range)
  • 700MHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H
  • Optional Internal Dither
  • Optional Data Output Randomizer
  • LVDS or CMOS Outputs
  • Single 3.3V Supply
  • Power Dissipation: 1.53W
  • Clock Duty Cycle Stabilizer
  • Pin-Compatible Family: 130Msps: LTC2208 (16-Bit), LTC2208-14 (14-Bit) 105Msps: LTC2217 (16-Bit)
  • 64-Pin (9mm × 9mm) QFN Package
Typical Application

  • Telecommunications
  • Receivers
  • Cellular Base Stations
  • Spectrum Analysis
  • Imaging Systems
Order Information
Part NumberPackageTempPrice(1-99)Price (1k)*
LTC2209CUP#PBF9x9 QFN-64C$103.57$72.50
LTC2209CUP#TRPBF9x9 QFN-64C$72.60
LTC2209IUP#PBF9x9 QFN-64I$124.29$87.00
LTC2209IUP#TRPBF9x9 QFN-64I$87.10
Demo Boards
Part NumberDescriptionPrice
DC1281A-ALTC2209UP | HIGH IF, LVDS OUT, 160Msps, 16-Bit ADC, 1MHz < Ain <80MHz, (req. DC890 & LVDS_XFMR)$200.00
DC1281A-BLTC2209UP | HIGH IF, LVDS OUT, 160Msps, 16-Bit ADC, 80MHz < Ain <160MHz, (req. DC890 & LVDS_XFMR)$200.00
DC1282A-ALTC2209IUP | HIGH IF, LVDS OUT, 160Msps, 16-Bit ADC, Ain >160MHz, (req. DC890 & LVDS_XFMR)$200.00
Companion Boards
Part NumberDescriptionPrice
DC890BUSB Data Acquisition Controller, for PScope Evaluation Kits (up to 250Mbps, CMOS/LVDS)$300.00
Design Note
Reliability Data
Product Selector Card
Press Release
Software and Simulation
Related Product
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High Speed Amplifiers/ADC Drivers
LTC2209 - 16 位、160Msps ADC 为高性能通信系统和仪表提供 77dB SNR
LTC2209 Footprints and Symbols
R478 - Reliability Data
DN1013 - Understanding the Effect of Clock Jitter on High Speed ADCs